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Thread: Why can't we discuss in peace?!

  1. #11
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madflo19 View Post
    There is a vent thread since 04-11-2014
    Thankyou for that information madflo19 so I guess my idea has already been thought of. Maybe it should become more than a thread and become a dedicated section of the forum.

  2. #12
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Problem is that the forum is filled with serial whiners, bad losers and complaints. I too get tired of seeing the same complaints about the same things. It seems the whole forum has become a Nordeus bashing community. I started contributing a few years ago because it was a useful place to discuss things with other players, learn tactics, get useful tips and advice etc. Sadly those attributes are rare now and it has become a vehicle to vent and rant. I think if people want to scream and shout because they lost to a team 40% weaker than them, then rather than blaming the game engine (which we all know isn’t perfect) maybe they should examine their tactics and setup. I’ve been trolled maybe 3 times in 5 years. Maybe I’m lucky? I don’t think so.
    I understand people get annoyed, but why come on here swearing and insulting others who disagree with them? It just makes them look silly in my opinion.
    At the end of the day, it’s a game, not life or death. Chill out and enjoy it or sack it off. The choice is always there.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  3. #13
    Totally agree with dave
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  4. #14
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    There are certain topics that I don't like to discuss anymore just because of the fact that they have been beaten to death. Sometimes it is easy to forget that there are new members that open these topics again and you can't really blame them, I know that I may have been annoying in the beginning myself. The problem is we should not shut down discussion as a whole, conflict is natural the problem is people going intro cursing rants against each other or the devs. I'm proud to not be part of that group and have never used profanity. There are still major problems that I and others may bring up from time to time and I see nothing wrong there, otherwise the forum would be dead.
    Different people have different experiences that lead to different conclusions, maybe there is something to learn or maybe not.
    I don't see any big problem honestly and most trolls have been taken care rightfully and professionally by the mods, some of them have actually been entertaining for 5 seconds or so.
    dave1311 likes this.

  5. #15
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    Just to prove a point................... I just had an Asso match where both teams were pretty much equal , my 102.1 to the opposition 100.9 . Both teams had all Asso members watching. We both had a similar formation , the only difference being he had a back 4 and I had a back 3 plus a DMC. I guess tactically there may have been a slight difference as it seemed he preferred to go through the middle while I played a mix. I am a level 13 manager and he is a level 5 , not that that means much. This season his team scores 2.9 goals per match (gpm) and concedes 0.8 gpm while my unbeaten team scores 2.8 gpm and concedes a miserly 0.4 gpm. Looks like a close matchup doesnt it. Well the first leg result was 2-7. I just won the ball 52-48 but he managed an incedible 22 shots ( 13 on goal ) to my 5 ( 4 on goal).
    Now I could sit here and blow my stack and vent about the game being broken blah blah blah because how does a team who concedes just 8 goals in 19 matches concede 7 in one game to a team equal on paper !!!! I wont because the game isnt broken , it just happened in this match that my team got very badly outplayed and it was just my turn to play badly and his to play well and that is the fact of the matter.
    So now I go through my planning again and see what I could do differently that might get me a win in the return leg , do I go full attack or more defensive , do I change my method of ball usage or do I play zonal or man mark etc. What I wouldnt give to be able to instruct one of my players to mark his best player out of the game or even double team that player , now there is an idea to ponder and suggest to the devs.

  6. #16
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Grant View Post
    Just to prove a point................... I just had an Asso match where both teams were pretty much equal , my 102.1 to the opposition 100.9 . Both teams had all Asso members watching. We both had a similar formation , the only difference being he had a back 4 and I had a back 3 plus a DMC. I guess tactically there may have been a slight difference as it seemed he preferred to go through the middle while I played a mix. I am a level 13 manager and he is a level 5 , not that that means much. This season his team scores 2.9 goals per match (gpm) and concedes 0.8 gpm while my unbeaten team scores 2.8 gpm and concedes a miserly 0.4 gpm. Looks like a close matchup doesnt it. Well the first leg result was 2-7. I just won the ball 52-48 but he managed an incedible 22 shots ( 13 on goal ) to my 5 ( 4 on goal).
    Now I could sit here and blow my stack and vent about the game being broken blah blah blah because how does a team who concedes just 8 goals in 19 matches concede 7 in one game to a team equal on paper !!!! I wont because the game isnt broken , it just happened in this match that my team got very badly outplayed and it was just my turn to play badly and his to play well and that is the fact of the matter.
    So now I go through my planning again and see what I could do differently that might get me a win in the return leg , do I go full attack or more defensive , do I change my method of ball usage or do I play zonal or man mark etc. What I wouldnt give to be able to instruct one of my players to mark his best player out of the game or even double team that player , now there is an idea to ponder and suggest to the devs.
    Seriously i dont know what you trying to proof. You need help? You could actually open a new thread. I think its off topic.(sorry trying to help)

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  7. #17
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    Just trying to prove you dont have to rant and rave when a result goes against you. I thought it was pretty obvious but perhaps it wasnt as obvious as I thought. Sorry I will try to make things clearer in the future.

  8. #18
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    To finish the story a calm head sorted through what happened in the first leg debacle 2-7 loss and came up with a game plan that reversed the result for a 3-1 away win and was instrumental in a 19-16 semi final win for our Asso. I saw a few little weaknesses and plugged them then tried to apply tactics that might stifle the other teams strengths. The tactical switches worked splendidly limiting his shots on goal to only 11 while mine were 22.
    I doubt if I had ranted and raved an hour or so ago that I would have bothered to do the homework and that is the point , ranting and raving gets you nowhere.
    pcmacdaniel and dave1311 like this.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    Problem is that the forum is filled with serial whiners, bad losers and complaints. I too get tired of seeing the same complaints about the same things. It seems the whole forum has become a Nordeus bashing community. I started contributing a few years ago because it was a useful place to discuss things with other players, learn tactics, get useful tips and advice etc. Sadly those attributes are rare now and it has become a vehicle to vent and rant. I think if people want to scream and shout because they lost to a team 40% weaker than them, then rather than blaming the game engine (which we all know isn’t perfect) maybe they should examine their tactics and setup. I’ve been trolled maybe 3 times in 5 years. Maybe I’m lucky? I don’t think so.
    I understand people get annoyed, but why come on here swearing and insulting others who disagree with them? It just makes them look silly in my opinion.
    At the end of the day, it’s a game, not life or death. Chill out and enjoy it or sack it off. The choice is always there.
    Very good post, and I agree alot with what you said.

    I'm just going to add, that part of the reason for the complaints and so on, is that their a lack of knowledge on the forum that is beneficial to advanced level managers in this game. There are plenty of tutorials and guides, which certainly are a great resource, but those mostly benefit managers that are new to the game.

    However, Nordeus isn't very transparent about how the engine works (however it can be argued this is a good thing). And to be honest, when it comes to tactics, we have many here that are very successful, winning trebles repeatedly, but these managers are often playing with 7* teams, manipulating draws and/or playing with mutant players. This isn't an attack on such managers, we can only play the hand we are dealt, and unless a manager is at the top of the server, there will always be a question of quality of the competition. But if we had more transparency from nordeus or successful top of the server managers around here (best teams on the server will consolidate at the top), there is something more tangible to grasp onto when seeking tactical assistance.
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 02-24-2018 at 05:56 PM.
    dave1311 likes this.
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  10. #20
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Good points there pcmacdaniel.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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