Ok, let's start with what we all agree.
- Players with 1500% fitness and 1% shooting are definitely "mutants"
- Players with 340% white and 1% grey skills, 18 y.o. are created by abusing the system and we don't agree with that.
But players 340%-1%, with 99% quality, are so capable in asso games why ?
Because they have high white/useful for their position skills or because it's some kind of glitch (as the first mutants) and the mechanics understand them as some higher q players ?
How a team with players 340%-1%, 99% quality, performs vs a 130% team ?
How can a ST with 1% in Fitness and Aggression can be such a great scorer ?
How can a AML/R who are the most successful players in game, perform so good with 1 % in Strength and Aggression ?
How can a DC with 1% Speed, stop oppo attackers ?
Is it a glitch or the mechanics just ignore the grey skills ?
Are they mutants next-gen or well trained players ?