I will post some matches where this "margin" kick in and generate a troll , with the % difference of the teams ( some matche are old but from this season )
Example 1 96% vs 138% High oppo gk perfonmance
Example 2 137% vs 135% Super High oppo gk perfonmance
Example 3 135% vs 128% High oppo gk perfonmance (strangest match i ever had , i easily won the 2nd match 3-1 away,both teams same tactics )
Example 4 134 % vs 100 % High oppo gk perfonmance
Example 5 118% vs 138% High oppo gk perfonmance
Example 6 132% vs 90% High oppo gk perfonmance
Example 7 137% vs 136 % High oppo gk perfonmance ( a struggle win, almost troll )
Example 8 137% vs 90 % High oppo gk perfonmance
Example N... Lets stop it here ^^ , i never had this amount of troll for a season, last season i only had 1 loss ( the only one in that season ). The thing i can see from all of these matches is a some kind of " boost " of the gk, maybe this is the factor that determine some matches .