Originally Posted by
Steve Horner
If you are saying that you only get FA rewards if your personal team is promoted to the next level (eg 25 to 26) and was in an FA team for the entireity of the season then you will get tokens BUT if you finish 10th in your league even if your FA team gets promoted you will not receive tokens. Am I reading that correctly ? If I am I would like to make the following observation:-
When you get to level 64 as I have done over a period of years it is almost impossible to finish in the top 8 of a league unless you SPEND loads of tokens buying players in which is of course very expensive. Perhaps that is Top Elevens motivation to get people to buy more tokens. If that IS the case then I might as well start again with a new team at Level 1 and abandon the FA I am currently responsible for and just join another when I re-sign up.
Please correct this ridiculous situation - league position should not affect one's ability to earn tokens through being in an FA. It takes a fair bit of time to run an FA and you get nowt for it if your personal team is at a very high level. Absurd, ridiculous, callous etc etc. No wonder we come up against the odd tanker or mutant if you encourage this sort of thing. My FA association members are livid !!