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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Announcement] Association Changes - Coming Feb. 3rd

  1. #31
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirrowka View Post
    i like the change .... but Nordeus will lose a lot of money. Its strange that company decided to lose money in favour of ordinary players. You cant see it everyday. Well done
    Can you explain how Nordeus will lost money after decrease tanking?

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Bratislava, Slovakia
    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    Can you explain how Nordeus will lost money after decrease tanking?
    Lots of people will leave the game.

    Personally, I dont mind if I dont get anything, 100 T will not help me at all.... its greens which are valuable, not Tokens.

    I do not believe that Top 100 Teams depends on 100 T per month .... if they do upselling **** 4 x within their 4 accounts, one player cost around 100 T more or less

    So it does look good at the first sight, but its not really that great lol

  3. #33
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirrowka View Post
    Lots of people will leave the game.

    Personally, I dont mind if I dont get anything, 100 T will not help me at all.... its greens which are valuable, not Tokens.

    I do not believe that Top 100 Teams depends on 100 T per month .... if they do upselling **** 4 x within their 4 accounts, one player cost around 100 T more or less

    So it does look good at the first sight, but its not really that great lol
    May be lots of tankers will leave game, but hey are parasites anyway.

  4. #34
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    Can you explain how Nordeus will lost money after decrease tanking?
    Is a fact that since the FAs where created, the number of accounts has been increased in a high scale... so, this means, that these extra acc's watching vids, from providers that are a benefit for Nordeus, will be cutted in a high scale. Well, I don't really know the 100% of the history, but at least once I knew the movement I wrote that, "there can be a massive acc' abandoning", in reference of the "multi-accounts that many managers manage... and sellers, manipulators... upsellers...

    We will see the activity in the upcoming seasons and then think in it xD

  5. #35
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Is a fact that since the FAs where created, the number of accounts has been increased in a high scale... so, this means, that these extra acc's watching vids, from providers that are a benefit for Nordeus, will be cutted in a high scale. Well, I don't really know the 100% of the history, but at least once I knew the movement I wrote that, "there can be a massive acc' abandoning", in reference of the "multi-accounts that many managers manage... and sellers, manipulators... upsellers...

    We will see the activity in the upcoming seasons and then think in it xD
    But this manipulators, upsellers and tankers dispel fairplayers including token buyers. Game is full of fake profiles and this can't be good for all of us.
    Last edited by po_zdrach; 01-31-2019 at 01:38 PM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lian View Post

    Hi Managers! Starting next season we will be making some changes to Associations tournaments.

    We’ve heard a lot of feedback and suggestions regarding Associations and we’re making the changes to encourage fair play and improve the experience across all Top Eleven competitions.

    Rewards Conditions

    From the upcoming season starting on Feb.3rd, you’ll only be able to collect Associations division rewards at the end of the season if:

    1) Your team gets promoted to a higher League level.
    2) You’ve participated in all four tournaments with the same Association.
    3) You didn’t leave/join/change Associations after the kick off of the first tournament on the 5th day of a Season.

    A Manager should satisfy all conditions in order to be eligible for their division rewards. Rewards are distributed individually. If you have a FA member who didn't promote, your rewards won't be impacted.

    Keep in mind that all changes in members of FAs should happen ahead of the first tournament during the first week of the season. Any leaving and joining after that would eliminate a Manager’s possibility of earning FA rewards.

    Tie-Break Rules

    Together with this, tie-break rules for each tournament will be changed. If two FAs have the same amount of points, the tie-break rules will be as follows:

    1) Goals scored during finals.
    2) Away goals during finals.
    3) Total goals scored during the tournament
    4) Total away goals scored during the tournament
    5) A fewer number of yellow/red cards.
    6) Total Associations points.

    Thanks as ever for your continued suggestions. Keep them coming and good luck in upcoming tournaments!
    Best update ever....

    Thanks Nordeus, that Will do with the tankers and more fair play for the real players

  7. #37
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    But this manipulators, upsellers and tankers dispel fairplayers including token buyers.
    Well... if we know one thing of TE is that actually, is a bad decision to spend money xDDD at least, until u know how it works... how leagues r created... that 100% = +1CL level... etc....

    The point now, is to give more value to the actives vs passive players... still but, the more I think about what can occur, the more stuffs are coming to my mind about which can be next situation we'll experience in TE.... as we say here... there r many "lagoons" xD

  8. #38
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Well... if we know one thing of TE is that actually, is a bad decision to spend money xDDD
    Because game do not work properly.
    khris likes this.

  9. #39
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Maybe..... only maybe.... would be "advisable".... go one step more far away, and give a +30 points by default per team promoted... guess what....

  10. #40
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Maybe..... only maybe.... would be "advisable".... go one step more far away, and give a +30 points by default per team promoted... guess what....
    What you mean?

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