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By low budget, I meant low on all resources, but especially low on green packs and tokens.
It might be easy for some, especially those that keep 1 monster attacker, for example an 8-9 star winger in an otherwise lower quality team (other main line-up players are 4-6 stars) and it might be fun as it is likely to be fun for someone if he can easily win a competition, but need think about others. It cannot be that a competition is set-up in such a way that it will favor significantly some specific participants because of the team they already have and the way they play the game. What will be even more wrong is if it will favour accounts that are already rich, that is those that do not need tokens as such. Some users have more than 400-500T (some maybe more than a 1000T) and thousands of green packs, but they will still be participating in those 30-50T competitions that they can relatively easily win but for what, maybe for fun but in doing so they prevent the poor ones from getting those tokens they needed much more. But if so, then better all the rest do not even bother participating because they have nearly no chance given how this game functions, and those 'rich' accounts I have mentioned can keep the competition for themselves every season. In another way to say, this competition here will become no different to what long time tankers with mutants have been doing for the Top 100 in the associations competition. There, the tankers can keep top ranks all for themselves and take the rewards every season and here certain specific users can do the same. No point in others to even bother to compete given their huge disadvantage they will already have (and is what will happen soon or later when the others will realise the have no chance to win). Only 16 different users registered for this season's competition (15 in fact, as it is me who pushed the member in my association to partipate too, and I, myself, I did not plan to participate given the tough competitions my team have been put in, but I registered in the last hour). This is already low in terms of participants. I am not saying that the competition should favour the poor ones or newbies or starters, but it should be more fair globally considering all the eligible users on this forum, whatever their resources they have and the way they play the game as long as they are not cheaters. Given how this game functions, and the fact that it will be hard to make the competition fair globally, maybe better would be to balance things, that is make seperate competitions (split tokens from pool even more) or maybe set-up competitions in such a way that in no two or three consecutive seasons, the competition will significantly favor the same specific users.