Last edited by MNK Kaskada; 03-04-2020 at 07:50 PM.
Could that be some kind of test releases?
I have it this time:
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Actually used it this time because it's cheap compared to power training with rest packs. I thought it would boost all skills equally as the regular personal trainer does. Now when I look at the player, it actually boosted the grey skills twice as much as the white ones. 8% for greys and 4% for whites in this case, lol.Take this into consideration if you're planning to use one.
The special trainer cost 46T to get the 25 y/o player from 114% to 120%, as you can check from the pic. Which happens to be exactly the price as buying 50 greens. If I hadn't bought the trainer, I would've definitely bought greens to since I had tokens to spare and no need to buy more players this season.
6% AvQ upgrade requires 90 single skill upgrades (the player was low 114, I think there was about 86-88 left). So the player would have to gain about 1,8 skills for every green pack spent, which wouldn't be achievable with a 25 y/o player.
My intention was to get the player to seven stars soon anyway and since it took less resources now, I can spend greens more on my younger, quicker training players. The fact that the trainer boosted grey skills more is the only thing that makes me think whether this was a poor investment.
On sunday I was training my 25 year old AMC from 114 to 141 %, so 27% improved and I used 180 green packs. This is roughly 6,7 packs per overall % or 2,2 skills for every green how you would say. And I could choose the skills that should be improved. I don't know your particular player, but in my opinion these types of deals are never worth it. Maybe for players 26+...