They seem to conveniently become more available once the first week is over, where they would prefer players to pile resources into their slow trainer academy players.
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They seem to conveniently become more available once the first week is over, where they would prefer players to pile resources into their slow trainer academy players.
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Last edited by Seeker85; 06-05-2020 at 04:13 PM.
Found this guy though, 2 days ago. Jackpot.
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I need him mate. Was looking for a long time. Went through at least 7 CM before him. I'm lv19 on that account anyway.Might be some distance between us.
Need a FT on my main L62 account to make use of SS special ability. Hoping to find a DL or DC.
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Come on... if someone had an amazing 18-year old player, why would they put them on auction lol?
I'm guessing many players don't stay in the game long enough to then sell on any youth players, regardless of how good they.
The ones who do play for longer are possibly training up their 18 year olds to see if they can become even better.
If an amazing 18-year old was available on auction, the bidding war would end ridiculously high.
At that point, wouldn't it be better to plough your T-bucks into your own 18-year old player?
If that's a certainty, then why not just build up your own world class 18-year olds rather than buy them?
Again, even in a scenario where humans actually did buy/sell in the auction, no one in their right mind would put up an amazing 18-year old player for auction unless they gained real life money from it (which I doubt Nordeus would ever allow).
If, for a moment, we're trying to base this game on real life... then in real life, how many amazing 18-year olds can you think of? What about past ones who then went on to remain world class? There's barely a handful. So what makes you think this game should then be flooded with amazing 18-year olds?
Just use the youth academy - you get a few 17-year olds every season to train up. If you play the game long enough, you get plenty of free T-bucks... which you can use to train up these 17-year olds into decent 18-year olds.
I build my own players, but not from youth academy as I said these players are not very good in terms of their development, I'd rather buy some good talent off the auctions. But when only bots (Nordeus) put the players for sale, it is also not easy to find many good players there. Likewise it wouldn't be an improvement when players put their players up for sale as we would also only have slow trainers from YA on the market plus older players (some maybe with nice skills).
So there is no real solution to the problem, you need to put a lot of time into the game to find the good talents and that is unfortunately what Nordeus want you to do. I would be willing to pay some more token to reduce my time spent in the game watching the auctions but only if it is for a good deal and youth academy didn't provide me this.