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The thing is, that each new signing, change the internal list of contributive roles, because the game works per lists.
You know, the game have internal roles, these, are limited, so you can't have 8 key players. Some players, are scorers, some do assistances, some have aggressivity linked... roles, have animations assigned.
Then, once the live match starts a scenario is selected, the previous ratings and the variations (players with 10-10-10-8-10, so max. x3 top ratings, others have 2 as max and lower, others have 8-6-8-6-8 etc) affect the current scenario in where the engine does a simplification, selectitng 6-7 players that will be determinant in the current game.
Once simplification is done, what means that the animations linked to the players and their roles, can be activated, so show up during the game, the game does 2 lists, one for defensive and one for attacking animations.
The game doesnt simulate never, the defensive playing, as basically all mentalities are created to have the game control and game control means = attacking chances.
So or its attacking for you, or for your oppo**
The bar, and it's virtual center which is displaced, tell you the state of the simulation, which allow you to get the attacking animations.
Then, to have effectivity, if the attack list have no active animations available, means that you need to change players between lists,
You can add a DR arrow, simplify 3 sides and keep only 2 to focuss power in the predetermined selected areas etc...
As the engine assign internally 2 powers to the players to create all this, which are the Contributive (effectivity % of successful animations linked) and dominance power (linked to the amount of animations inside a scenario, that have 25 animations per game) and can happen that a player have a lot of dominance ower but have low contribution, he'll take all the slots only to miss despite having the control of the whole match, so thats why then you need to modify the lists, even a def' arrow to a ST can remove the ST from the attacking animations list and put a better player.
So, as said, once new players join the team, one have to take a lot of care, because as roles are limited, may happen that some subs or reserves have better dominance/contributive roles, and thats why I always recommend, before finding new players or do new signings (as the market players are empty of role, or animations assigned, it is assigned once a player join your team, if its a key player or not, aggressive or not, etc) to liberate the superb roles assigned to the reserves, because if you do like me, keeping old players to retire in my squad, it can happen that you keep 5 key players as reserves, so will be imposible for you -as happened to me- to buy a new player having a key player role, as these contributive roles are limited. I bought 7 STs and all of them were a epic fail, till I realized about this, sold them and then, yeah, it worked.
So, selling low avq players (former key players with a lot of dominance power assigned), works, to obtain a signing earning this Key Player role.
And thats the resume of the day about internal programming. lol