Hi Khris, 2 tough questions for you!
1) You've explained very well how 'liberating a role' works. But what about vice versa situation? E.g total amount of the team power is 100. And players are sharing it as A:30, B:20, C:15, D:8 and free power slot is 3. When we sell/sack D player, new assigned power points are proceed as follows; A:30, B:20, C:15... and free power is now 11(3+8).
What would the shared power points be if we didn't sell D player,but we signed Z player?
Before: A:30, B:20, C:15, D:8....Available slot:3
After new sign: A:?, B:?, C:?, D:?...Z:? Available slot:?
2)How many top performers can we have if we have very dominant and phenomenal scorer(constantly 60+goals league 20+ cup or CL) in our squad ?
Last edited by RaiKo; 05-07-2021 at 01:12 PM.
Why I have got 24 green videos instead of 25 today?You think yourselves vulpine, Nordeus?
Sorry for opening new accounts. I forgot my old’s password.
If you do that you'll face the same situation I had, when I kept old glories inside my team till they retire.
I bought 7 STs, and I couldnt get a single decent player, ans then I realized cause it was cause I had top performers (1*, 2* 3* inside my reserves) waiting to retire.
There is a limit of roles, that exist to create realism, and cause the engine needs to lcreate a realistic football simulation so, the team needs real football events, goals, assists, fouls, corners, ao a rank of better/worst contribution and aggressivity too.
There are mainly 2 powers that we have to consider, one, is the Contributive power. The 2nd is, the Dominance power.
A live match have 25 animations, the more domination a player have assigned, the more slots he'll take. The more contributive power = the more efficency.
You can perfectly feel the differance between a fluid match and a stuck one.
If you buy a player with a lot of dominance power but low contribution, then is when the game looks like stuck, because there is a player who occupy a lot of space for nothing. So, its so important, test players and, discard them if needed.
You can realize too, that usually there are 2 situations; or a key player, (1) resolves the 70% of your games, or, the power is spread between a couple of players and alternating.
These players, key ones are basically those earning Top Ratings, and top ratings are 9's and 10's -are the same-
Then once you know how to identify your players behavior based on internal settings, you can try a next step, which is follow the rating patters to anticipate the next performance of your players, and too, as I do, manipulate ratings intentionally, to force "a push" at certain games, cause even the Key players, only keep the 10's for a streak of 2-3 games, and then another players alternate them as decisive players in a match. You can see patterns like 6-8-6-8-6 so after the 6 you can expect a 8.
So if you force a rating downgrade by keeping players that got a rating drop as reserves + playing with those who should get a drop, in the upcoming match you can have a push.
Isnt the role exactly, is the Power which changes when a new player joins your squad, the Dominance power in this case, which means that a old good performer can be eclipsed by a new signing, if this have more Dominance power assigned, meaning that he'll take more animation slots than other players, that may have, better effectivity ratio % (so, contributive power, what is effectivity in the chances) so a player can be vanished and eclipsed due this.
The game works per lists, it fills spaces basically, so the more dominance power, the better place in the list/tab.
Then, once a match starts the process is, that the game do the 2 lists, to assign the Attack and Defensive animations to some players, the game never simulates defensive style playing, as the settings exist to give the attack chances to 1 team, so, basically, if a player have a lot of dominance power and you control the match, your attack can feel so stuck and you barely will score 1-2 goals.
Its about recognize the roles, and balance the lines and powers...
Last edited by khris; 05-07-2021 at 02:17 PM.
Thanks a lot for all your tips. I have a few more questions before I start mapping my team.
1. I know you mentioned scorers, assists, and aggression, are there any other roles than these I need to look for?
2. If a player is a assister and a scorer, does that count as 2 of the 7 assigned roles?
3. Is there a way to "assign" unclaimed roles?
4. What happens if none of the players on the field have one of the 7 roles assigned?
1. I know you mentioned scorers, assists, and aggression, are there any other roles than these I need to look for?
Just think about the process of the game, the game fills animation slots, so roles are basically linked to animations. We can think about what is needed to cover a football animation and make it look complete, but probably, there is more than what we see,
We could say that, based in the 2 powers I mentioned, which create the rankings to have the lists of "dominance", all players at certain point are able to do all or almost all actions in a limited way, limited by the own power...
So here its important to focuss on the actions that matter, as can be determinant inside a match, cause are determinant, so, as said, goals, assists, aggressivity, we can take a look at the SAs, then FK+Corners are like a temporal SA that is assigned to one player, meaning that 1 player inside our team, will be the best option to assist from corners for some perios, and 1 player will be the best in FKs... thats kinda like a rotative role that in reality can mean a lot to determine the scores.
Its so simplistic and in big terms thats the only thing we need to pay attention, then you can identify defensive MCs, attacking DL's-DRs...
But thats part of the own simulation process when creates the 2 lists -attacking-defensive- to assign animations, and this point only matters if you understand the game so deeply, when you are able to move the power between lines understanding why the engine performs like it does, setting a efficency cap on players or whatever.
2. If a player is a assister and a scorer, does that count as 2 of the 7 assigned roles?
Techically, at certain point, its exactly the same a goal, than one assist.
A player capable to assist 40 times, will mean 40 goals. So both animations or actions are equally worth, and we could say that yeah, a player can have 2 roles, but in a particular animation and during the season probably these will alternate to resolve the different games/scenarios.
3. Is there a way to "assign" unclaimed roles?
Initially, no. There is no way to force a player to be a "key player" by trainign his skills, or the best example is when you buy 7 players with FK SA and is the GK who scores the 90% of FKs... too we can see how a PK specialist usually is the first to miss a penalty...
You can, but, prevent new signings to adquire a role, by this rule. For aggressive players thats perfect, because if you keep a player with a high amoount of aggressivity assigned, you'll prevent at certain point to sign a new super aggressive player.
4. What happens if none of the players on the field have one of the 7 roles assigned?
Thats imposible. As a football simulator the engine will always assign animations, attacking ones, and defensive based on a scenario (scenario= from all posible match conditionants, some are in ON-OFF, so that affect/not the match -like condition matters in ON-OFF, morale on-off, win bonus.., settings in on-off, and there are 2 posible simulations based in attend or leave the game playing in automatic etc...) and then, by selling players, or, lets say, if you set the reserves to play, what happens is that the correlation of powers change for the upcoming match. But this match will have the same process as all the other games, the engine will fill lists to show up animations, animations available that are assigned to the players depending on their internal roles. Then the Dominance Power, sets the amount of slots that each player can cover... and rating variations, first of all, are what decide if a player is available for this match, cause a player with a 86868 probably, will have a drop in the performance by default... so, will not be selected in, the attacking list for example and is he is there, will occupy space for nothing, just to miss.
Then, always, to resume, each player have some assigned roles that will show up if this player have enough power inside the simulation.
If a SA doesnt work once we train it, is because the power of the player is too low to make it appear, or, because the player have a role/action with more dominance.