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Thread: New Training 2024 - own post

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Since there is a dramatic situation due to the unexpectedness of the update, which has left many managers and community administrators running around like headless chickens, I am going to open a thread to try to raise some points and a bit of order.

    Note that I still have to upgrade training until Level 111 which is the new Max. level, and I still getting used to it.

    I open a thread, since as we know there is a situation of confusion and, although initially it might seem that the update is hyper invasive in many more terms than it seems because of what it implies, perhaps, and only perhaps, once known and controlled the aspects of the same, it is not a big deal, and maybe exists the option for a minor calibration to make it less time consuming so, lets see where this thread goes.

    NOTES- and we can share viewpoints and different things to help other managers fully understad whats been updated, and even different own suggestions to make this less heavy with posible upcoming updates -so aka feedback based in that this is not retroactive for now-

    We have now 20 more training levels, so Max. level is now 111, with different drills added.

    We have now basically too, Rings, a Yellow Bar & Teamplay trainings.

    4 rings that are the conversion of the 4 old bonuses, (attack, possession, defense and condition) and that,

    if we fill a Yellow Bar level, we can expand by a +2% the cap of any of the 4 rings.

    So, each Ring can be rised to 20%.

    Exists too the sharpness, it should be like the old Individual Player bonus, that can reach Level 5. Every new Nordeus Day when server reset comes, it lowers one level.

    Rings lose 2% but once ou reach 14% or + you may lose 4% per day.
    (here, let me say that my suggestion is a reduction of -4% once we reach 16%)

    More NOTES
    -Tested it training in groups of 4 players and using drills of each kind, it seems -as it has been commented by another manager who tested it- that there is o differance if you train 4, the minium of players or 8 players int he same training round, so this means we may be forced to push the whole team AvQ % which can eb the end of negative %s -just an observation awaiting for more info.-

    TO EDIT**

    Training Tips Welcome// any test with data of interest welcome too


    Some comments of interest at day November 13tha 2023
    Attachment 140723

    Attachment 140725
    I feel that the randomness of the training in the folders, especially in the light blue category is ridiculous. If I need more defense training to riase % I have to count on randomness? This is BS! I have never seen where I have to count on randomness to get what I need, I f I have to be subjected to spend tokens or money to get training folders I should also have the choice to buy the ones I need more. This whole system is yet another BS way to get us to spend more to get less. Yes granted the team seems to do better in this training system thn before but still I should have the choice to get what I need, Who ever heard of a coaching staff that need to train certain parts of the team but has to rely on club managemet ot tell them, ooops sorry today you can only train the midfielders and the condition of the team but not the rest of the team because otherwise I do have to spend a whole lot of greens to get them where I want them. it's all a BS system.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    The idea is to build the post with contributions since I've not enough info., just the posts I read in different groups, and since since some guys are writing that isnt that hard I try to figure It out. I tested it and got few players with 5 sharpness, now its time to see if with the new levels there is a way to make It less consuming in terms of time and resources...

    Of course the point of this, what frustrates all us, is that we cant fill the bonuses fully as usual, thats the main reason that makes It feel so unconfortable.
    Khris what fristrates most of us it eh whole way this game is set up, from beginning to end . They must sit around planning how they can make us spend more to do well or as usual not do well at all trying to paly without spending a fortune. Every single thing they paln is BS. You look at everything, training they made it with a potential to be better but much more difficult to achieve and designed to make us spend more. Draw Frenzy is pretty much agreed upon it's a BS money making, token spending failure.All events they put out give very poor rewards, I mean if I have a team at 120% what the heck am I going to do with a player that is less than 100% as a reward? Pitch patterns, emblems and jerseys are useless especially when you gat some you cannoe even sell for a miserable token while you have to pay 30 tokens to get a jersey if you want to buy one. The offers in these events, players that have an unresonable cost per player, loans are ridiculously priced to redeem a player, then a three day loan is BS all together. If they give a player with a three day loan then the sign up price for that player should be relatively low. If you had a player for a whole seasun then it is understandable that if you want that player you nwould be willing to pay more. Yet the general pricing is way too hiigh. Token pricesa are way too high, they never ever give token deals like 50% off or the likes of that. Kick Around the mew event is BS as well. 25 tokens to re-eneter? for what? to get one token and a few boosters and a lot of red cards? There are also no free re-entries daily? The monthly card plus is a joke. The new third special abilities do not work at all, the player you choose to earn tokens suddenly cannot score as much or assist as much as he uesed to, geez I wonder why that is? Yet if you bring this up to support they-ll try to tlell you it's coincidental, well it is not! This game is a money spending trap period and they are greedy and unfair, They deign things thinking that they help us play a betetr game, in reality it only hlps them make more money. How about the player academy? Another joke! Prices unattainable and what are these long times to train a player? I send a player into one of these overpriced trainings I lose them for half the season, get them for the other half and then lose 20% if I promote? What a racket.

    Even the playstyle booster is another money making, token spending ploy. Thye give us absoliutley nothing. People who do not want to spend or cannot are at a great disadvantage and in addition it is a game designed to favor the Indonesian/ Asian markets mostly, there they get thousands of free tokens in thier free token gaming. When we can earn one token they get 100 or more. How fair it this? This is what frustrates us.
    khris likes this.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    Khris what fristrates most of us it eh whole way this game is set up, from beginning to end . They must sit around planning how they can make us spend more to do well or as usual not do well at all trying to paly without spending a fortune. Every single thing they paln is BS. You look at everything, training they made it with a potential to be better but much more difficult to achieve and designed to make us spend more. Draw Frenzy is pretty much agreed upon it's a BS money making, token spending failure.All events they put out give very poor rewards, I mean if I have a team at 120% what the heck am I going to do with a player that is less than 100% as a reward? Pitch patterns, emblems and jerseys are useless especially when you gat some you cannoe even sell for a miserable token while you have to pay 30 tokens to get a jersey if you want to buy one. The offers in these events, players that have an unresonable cost per player, loans are ridiculously priced to redeem a player, then a three day loan is BS all together. If they give a player with a three day loan then the sign up price for that player should be relatively low. If you had a player for a whole seasun then it is understandable that if you want that player you nwould be willing to pay more. Yet the general pricing is way too hiigh. Token pricesa are way too high, they never ever give token deals like 50% off or the likes of that. Kick Around the mew event is BS as well. 25 tokens to re-eneter? for what? to get one token and a few boosters and a lot of red cards? There are also no free re-entries daily? The monthly card plus is a joke. The new third special abilities do not work at all, the player you choose to earn tokens suddenly cannot score as much or assist as much as he uesed to, geez I wonder why that is? Yet if you bring this up to support they-ll try to tlell you it's coincidental, well it is not! This game is a money spending trap period and they are greedy and unfair, They deign things thinking that they help us play a betetr game, in reality it only hlps them make more money. How about the player academy? Another joke! Prices unattainable and what are these long times to train a player? I send a player into one of these overpriced trainings I lose them for half the season, get them for the other half and then lose 20% if I promote? What a racket.

    Even the playstyle booster is another money making, token spending ploy. Thye give us absoliutley nothing. People who do not want to spend or cannot are at a great disadvantage and in addition it is a game designed to favor the Indonesian/ Asian markets mostly, there they get thousands of free tokens in thier free token gaming. When we can earn one token they get 100 or more. How fair it this? This is what frustrates us.
    agree on all above, i am afraid of that new league draws in next year will be - pay tokens to get fair draw, however i quited, dont plan to come back, they cant fix anything with one update if ruin it in last 10 "improwing game" updates, they prove it many times

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Do team play drills that have been purchased with tokens in the weekly offering carry over to the next season if unused?

  5. #55
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Yes, all exercises are maintained from one season to the next

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    1, 2 and 3 -
    Here I defended a return to the old system, maybe a bit more limited, but if you remember the first game versions you could face +6 levels depending on the AvQ you had.
    Here enters the market factor, as a lower level team you always had a complicated situation if you were level 6 and you faced a level 12 in cup as was my own case around 2013.
    So, thats why I'm more follower of a controlled pairing, just adding teams to +3 or 4 levels max. depending on the % they start each season.
    Till some weeks ago it was like, if you started 100% you faced +1 level, so I would try to set a +2 levels for 120%+ and +3 for 140+.

    Its a complext topic and always, when a calibration has been done, for one reason or another it wasn't perfect for the many ways managers can play the game and try to manipulate different stuff, but now that we had a update on the pairings, I really think that some control has to be given to the managers.
    It was definitely right, to allow managers to lower the AvQ to ensure a CL or Cup with similar level oponents, and it was right to give us the feeling to complete in a quick way the daily training sessions to fill the bonuses.
    Its about to have control of the way we play somehow, and try to obtain a fair and playable ambient.

    4- Absolutely agree, there are around 250 servers, think that the game is set to have no limit on the top so thats a structural issue that many of us mentioned for years.
    Its like the universe metaphor, the more it expands, the more close to collapse it is due the distance between elements, and here enters the top server situation.
    I really would set the level 90 as Max. server and send the L90 promoters to level 20 so to guarante a fluid server.
    Of course the less levels + a fluid server system sending teams to the beginning again once they 'complete the game somehow reaching L90 or a lower one', the better.
    For now servers aren't designed to work in another way, like divided in divisions until you reach the 1st o so...

    5- Time ago we used the command prompt to see the server but, some years ago and with the Unity version it is no longer posible to check the number.
    In the first versions too, until... 2015 we had the chance to send a gift to a FB friend that had no top eleven account and he started playing in our server, so we used this tool to join with 14 teams in a Level 1 league and we played competitions here in the forum, so I miss that really... good times.
    IMO it should be visible for practical reasons and a function to unlink the acount from Facebook and Gmail should exist too..

    6- It was discussed when the feature was launched... mostly of managers coincide in the idea that it punishes excessively, so lets say it can have a better calibration, based on rating or performance.

    7- Here of course we could suggest a good list of ways to spend reds and blue packs and, ways to have more chances in and the billions many managers stuck are a common topic too, ex.- these could be used to extend contracts when players retire, or we could have a economical system controlling the AvQ so with more differance in salaries...

    We just keep spinning our wheels on this game and getting nowhere. I said it a hundred times if not more and I will say it again, the game needs to undergo some drastic structural changes. Leagues should be scheduled according to a percentage of differences between AVQ of teams with a difference no greater than 15% between strongest and weakest teams. The leagues should be structured as the FA is structured, promotion, stay, and relegation. The first 4 promote, the last 4 relegate and the rest stay at that level, No loss of 20% for any team. This in time would equalize all % of quality in each league. There should also be the creation of a so-called Premier League where a team finally arrives after promotion through several levels until one reaches the big league, when one is promoted into the big league it is then that they will qualify for CL and Super League Cup should remain at all other levels. All leagues and all competitions should also have a reward system like FA. Tokens, boosters and all top scorers, assists and rating winners in all competitions should get rewarded. In addition, tokens should always be awarded to every win at least 3 tokens per win. Let me ask a question, How long has it been since the token amount has been increased in the monthly sponsor? Why is it still the same amount for the longest? They increase the money every season, so why not the tokens? In the context of training, I find disturbing that we cannot choose the playbooks we want and need especially if we are paying for them. Even the random ones should be given with more fairness and logic. If I get a random attack or whatever, then the next one should not be the same. And I could go on and on about many other things that need changes

  7. #57
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    We just keep spinning our wheels on this game and getting nowhere. I said it a hundred times if not more and I will say it again, the game needs to undergo some drastic structural changes. Leagues should be scheduled according to a percentage of differences between AVQ of teams with a difference no greater than 15% between strongest and weakest teams. The leagues should be structured as the FA is structured, promotion, stay, and relegation. The first 4 promote, the last 4 relegate and the rest stay at that level, No loss of 20% for any team. This in time would equalize all % of quality in each league. There should also be the creation of a so-called Premier League where a team finally arrives after promotion through several levels until one reaches the big league, when one is promoted into the big league it is then that they will qualify for CL and Super League Cup should remain at all other levels. All leagues and all competitions should also have a reward system like FA. Tokens, boosters and all top scorers, assists and rating winners in all competitions should get rewarded. In addition, tokens should always be awarded to every win at least 3 tokens per win. Let me ask a question, How long has it been since the token amount has been increased in the monthly sponsor? Why is it still the same amount for the longest? They increase the money every season, so why not the tokens? In the context of training, I find disturbing that we cannot choose the playbooks we want and need especially if we are paying for them. Even the random ones should be given with more fairness and logic. If I get a random attack or whatever, then the next one should not be the same. And I could go on and on about many other things that need changes
    Lets say that in general terms many of us don't feel confortable with the current developement line...
    Btw keep in mind that many players have been playing for so long precisely for the dynamism that provides the particular league system that t11 has, so groups of 14 teams where 4 of them play the CL has worked quite well to keep people engaged, Im agree so, as an old player that I am, in the essence of your message, but I can't share the same opinion regarding servers/league format and structure, as this is something quite exclusive of t11 that allow many managers to keep a constant competitive level.
    AvQs can be more controlled on pairings, thats for sure, sponsors can have more daily rewards aligned with the current tokens value and need, and regarding playbooks Im full follower of a full elimination of the current training system, just caused an unnecessary headache to an excessive amount of players.

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