Thanks to justdome, from the old school. This will answer most of your questions if not all about improving your managerial skills.
Please also bare in mind that the game engine has been tweaked since this invaluable information was given.
Postby justdome » 08 Oct 2011 13:20
This is an attempt at compiling a semi-complete guide that'll help new players better understand this awesomely addictive game. I hope it answers many of the common questions about formations, tactics, players, improvement and so forth.
Before starting I'd like to thank you all for playing, as each and every one of you are the bricks to this game. Always remember to have fun and that the only true way to succeed is to experiment, as no guide can be as complete as to serve as a walkthrough to the complexity of countless options Top Eleven offers.
As the game is constantly being updated, I'll try to keep up with the changes, but if you notice something wrong please let me know so I can correct it faster.
Thank you.
1. Teams. How to build one.
2. Players.
2.1 Age.
2.2 Special abilities.
2.3 Purchasing players.
3. Training & Improvement.
3.1 Purchasing roles & special abilities.
3.2 Skill point assigning: Defense, Attack and P&M.
3.3 Skill advancement table.
4. Tactics: How they work.
4.1 Mentality.
4.2 Pitch pressure.
4.3 Flank, mixed and central passing.
4.4 Some like it short others love them long (passes).
4.5 Tackling.
4.6 Marking style
4.7 Free kick, corner kick and penalty takers.
4.8 Force counter and offside trap.
5. Basic formations and their counters.
5.1 Choosing the right formation & advanced formations.
5.1.1 Illegal formations.
5.2 Choosing players: morale, condition & form.
6. Facilities
1. Team
If you plan on playing more than 1 competition, and specially if you plan on playing all 3 competitions (League, Champions and Cup). You’ll need a complete roster with 22 players that play as 2 separate but very similar teams of 11. For that you’ll need:
- 5 to 6 DC’s
- 2 DMC’s
- 2DL/DML and 2DR/DMR
- 2ML/AML and 2MR/AMR
- 4 to 5 MC’s
- 2 AMC’s
- 3 to 4 ST’s
- 2 GK’s
It should look something like this:
This was my squad at the end of last season, notice that I'm an ML/AML and an AMR short. But even with 4 injured players, I can still field a very decent team.
Versatility is highly recommended. Players that have more than one position come in very handy when you have injured or penalised players. I try to always buy players that have at least 2 positions.
Using a player outside ther natural position should be avoided whenever possible, but isn't the end of the world as long as it's not too far away from that position vertically or horizontally (but not in diagonal, except for strikers).
So a DMC will make a decent DC, DML, DMR and MC and a ST will make a decent AMC, AML and AMR. Just don't do this too often or the player's form will drop (Yes, in some instances your goalkeeper can have better finishing skill than your main striker, but if you use him as a striker he won't perform according to his stats and his form will drop like a bomb).