Sorry to answer so long tme after...
Your answer is surprising for me. It seems your screenshot is on the NEW VERSION, isn't it ? Did you train your player on NEW or OLD VERSION ?
Every players I trained on OLD VERSION were modified by Nordeus ! And each of them got the next star.
There is no doubt about it ;-) My theory concerns only trained players on OLD version if you return then on NEW version.
Your screenshot number 3 is what I told before. When you train a player on OLD version, depending gap to next star he will evolve to it. So it is easy to calculate when SA is opened. When no SA is opened, you trained him for 12 SP reason why he gets the next star. Only 11 SP would have save him previous low star. Your screenshots just explain my theroy. But my English is not perfect, so maybe I had written sentences difficult to be understood well !?
Last informations !!!
After reading all informations nikolgiorgos corrected to me, i have to say first Nordeus seems having correct lot of things. I am sure about method of calculation that is not conflictual with nikolgiorgos's explanations. Now no mind because a new fact changes it. Nordeus inserts régulations and now no mind my explanantions about 1 to 4 Sp... to get negociation list. Nordeus patches it. I just check each of them... and all are at 0.93 or 0.96 from next star. (considering X+X+X /3).
To be honest, ay my level 37, it is a long time I received few offers and I am not sure anymore about its utility !
But my today s intervention is for another important mention. After some matters in french forum on FB, I was telling about players evolving even when no training organized !!!
Easy, when each day you claim your 3 rests and 1 SP, please not the SP will never go to the SA. He will go directly on the player. So if you have fix him to 9% and 4-9 before next star, be carreful to the Gift SP.
Same for the MVP, it never goes to the SA.
That's useful info and explain why many managers complaining that even if they set a sa or an extra position, their player still got the 6*.Easy, when each day you claim your 3 rests and 1 SP, please not the SP will never go to the SA. He will go directly on the player. So if you have fix him to 9% and 4-9 before next star, be carreful to the Gift SP.
Same for the MVP, it never goes to the SA.
In the first case, you can open the gift when you choose the time to play in the old but in the second case, with the MVP sp, you can't avoid this (unless of course if you choose not to use your player).
I don't know if I wrote it or not but if you have a player in nego list and have some descent offers, don't wait for long.
btw, I use both versions.
-I use the old one in my new players, to recognize if they are fast trainers (or anyway, what lv trainers are)
and for power-training to give an extra position or sa.
-The new training for the daily game bonus.
Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 05-10-2016 at 05:14 PM.
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
A new update about this thread.
Something must has changed from the beginning of the new version with the skills.
I have the impression that in the beginning , to set our player in negotiation list, he had to be 0,2 points from the next level.
But some time later, I noticed that when I had a player at 99 quality, also had offers. Then I had him in some training , his q was still at 99, his stats were increased but continued having offers.
After seeing a comment of Jeeves, I can say that when our player has quality of 79 – 99 – 119, we start to have offers for him. If he gets little training or participate in a match and after this his q again is 79-99-119 (but with few more points), we still can have offers for him.
When he goes to 80-100-120, is out of the list.
The major problem to keep our player in the list, is that the sp gift from friends and the earning sp from MoM are going to quality and not in the extra position or sa we set for that reason (there is also a mini bug ? , where the normal gaining progress still can goes to q instead of sa or extra position we set as priority, but we can’t do anything about it).
I made a suggestion here
To “lock” our player in negotiation list and even if we use him in a match, he won’t earn any quality.
Also another suggestion I made is that the sp gift will goes only to the captain of the team.
A player we want to improve and keep him for some extra seasons and not random.
I don’t believe we ‘ll have some news/ updates about that, so what we can do to avoid that ?
Read the following.
I made this as jpeg for a purpose.
Only the registered forum members can read this and not the guests of the forum.
I don’t understand why we have only few members on line and so many people reading the forum as guests.
So guys, why don’t you join the forum ?
Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 11-29-2016 at 05:19 PM.
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
And not to mention what is the GK exact turning point ? I'm missing the turning point all the time coz it's different compairing field player TP![]()
Ok some news about nego list players.
First, we don't need to find the exact point where a player is getting into negotiations list.
At some point nordeus made some update and from then, players who have 19,39,59,79,99,119,139 ...% quality, they automatically get into negotiations list.
That's good because before it was too complicate to find the exact point.
Of course it would be better if we had any information about this but you know nordeus moto
Discover the game by yourself
So, what else we have discover ?
That also a player with _8% quality can be in nego list
and today I got an offer and gave a player with 57% quality
How did it happen ?
Don't know, maybe when an available nego list is run out of 99% players, takes from lower % too ?
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
as I can understand, we don't know if our player with 38% or 57% or 79% (but not too close to 80%) are visible to others unless we have an offer.
But if you reject the 0T offer for Agriodimos (38%), then maybe he will be out of nego list next day if there are new players from other teams, with _9 %.
Right ?