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Thread: The new star system (and the negotiation list)

  1. #31
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Experiment - Ronaldo
    1) Ronaldo 5* old
    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-new-st-amr-nord-ronaldo.jpg

    2) Ronaldo 5* new
    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-ronaldo-5star-new.jpg

    3) Ronaldo 6* old
    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-ronaldo-6star-old.jpg

    4) Ronaldo 6* new
    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-ronaldo-6star-new.jpg
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 03-07-2016 at 09:13 PM.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  2. #32
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    1) Ronaldo is a new player (fast trainer) I bought. It looks with the old version that he needs 13 sp for being a 6*

    2) But as we see in the new version, it's not like this.
    He has 113,4 + 114,5 + 115,5 >> 113,4 + 115 + 115 >> 8 (old) sp
    This happening because there is a different "translation" from % quality to numbers quality (1 sp isn't exactly 4 new sp, it's from 1 to 4).

    3) When I gave 8 (old) sp after some training, Ronaldo became a 6* player even if it looks like he still missing 5 sp to be a 6* player.

    4) That's because in the new version, he has 113,4 + 116,1 + 115,5 >> (113,4 +1,1 +0,5) + 115 + 115 >> 115 + 115 + 115

    So, what we do when we want to set a player to nego list ?
    We observe how many old sp he needs but from the mask of the version.
    Also, we must be very careful because in the new version, we can't see the blue bar of progress so sometimes instead of 1 sp, we can get 2 sp. Also because 1 sp from the old training, can be "translated" in a different way.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 03-07-2016 at 07:58 PM.
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  3. #33
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Experiment - Batistuta
    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-b1-bati-5star-old.jpg

    46 + 59 + 58 > (46+4+3) +55 +55 >53 +55 +55 10 sp missing for 6* player with the old system

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-b2-bati-5star-new.jpg
    46,1 +59,4 +58,2 > (46,1 +4,4 +3,2) +55 +55 >53,7 + 55 +55 1,3 missing or else 5 or 6 sp with the new system

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-b3-bati-5star-old-2.jpg
    giving 5 old sp
    46 +60 +58 > (46 +5 +3) +55 +55 > 54 +55 +55 5sp missing

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-b4-bati-5star-new2.jpg
    46,1 +60,4 + 58,2 > (46,1 +5,4 +3,2) +55 +55 > 54,7 +55 +55 0,3 missing
    So, here is a question. Maybe my player is already in nego list ?
    The correct one should be 54,8 +55 + 55 but how can I give him 0,1 ?

    let's try to give 1 old sp

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-b5-bati-6star-old.jpg
    He got his 6*
    46 + 60,2 + 58 > (46+5,2 +3) +55 +55 > 54,2 +55 +55 and it's 4 more sp with the old version

    Now it's
    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-b6-bati-6star-new.jpg
    46,1 +60,6 + 58,2 > (46,1 +5,6 +3,2) > 54,9 + 55 +55 and that gives a a 6*
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I tried to read Niko's illustration but I cannot follow because I lack knowledge on new version. I surprised to know that the quality value in new system is different with those in old version because it is translated from percentage back to value. Yesterday, I logon new version to study meaning of percentage but I failed. I end my study, and wait for someone's further explanation I will understand.

  5. #35
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Hey cookiz I finally managed to set my player in negotiation list.
    Two things to say
    1) With the old version it's almost impossible to do that because the calculation is little different.
    2) You don't have to look at %

    Ok, let's go
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  6. #36
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    This is my player Zagallo

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-z1-zagalo-5star-old-1.jpg
    Has 108 +119 +116,4 >> (108+4+1,4) +115 +115 >>113,4 +115 +115
    With the old version he wants 1,4 q, to be 1sp from 6* .
    1 sp is 0,2 q so he wants 7 sp to be in the list.

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-z2-zagalo-5star-new-1.jpg
    With the new version, as we see in the picture, first of all we forget % numbers.
    I see only the numbers in parenthesis ()
    Here we see that it's different from the old version. This is (I think) from the wrong "translation" , the rounding of the digits.
    108,1 +119,1 +116,5 >> (108,1 +4,1 +1,5) + 115 +115 >> 113,7 +115 +115
    Here it looks he needs 5 (or 6) sp

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-z3-zagalo-5star-old-2.jpg
    So, I go to the old version and do some training for 5 sp

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-z4-zagalo-5star-new-2.jpg
    Back in the new version and here I can see
    108,1 +120,1 +116,5 >> (108,1 +5,1 +1,5) +115 +115 >> 114,7 +115 +115.
    It needs 0,3 for the next star. At that point, I was waiting , maybe that 0,3 was like 1 sp of the old version.
    * just to be sure, wait for a day or so, at that point.
    I had no offers so I started some training with the new version.
    I did light training, the first drill of M&P, the "warm up".
    After some of those training (only to that player), he got a 0,1 q so now he is 0,2 from the next star as it was in the old version

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-z5-zagalo-5star-nego.jpg
    My player is in nego list now

    So, after a while, some amazing offers started coming

    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-z6-zagalo-5star-old-offer.jpg
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 03-08-2016 at 09:44 PM.
    cookizzz and Arion like this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    So, as I understand now, we must observe the quality values as shown in new version to determine if they are close to nego list or next star.

  8. #38
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    yes, but as it hard to find exactly the sp progress with the new training, better to gather the demanded sp from the old one.
    (or at least it's looks easier to me).
    After that of course, we must start an extra position or sa as priority for the gaining (if we want to use our player in the games).
    Also remember that when we click those buttons (extra role or sa) , we 're setting the priority.
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  9. #39
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    This is my player Thamnidis and I had a post about him in first page, #10 - as a player in nego list.

    After two seasons, now Thamnidis is 27 y.o.. I had to use him in the first two games of the Cup as I didn't have enough players (defenders actually).
    Playing those games, he got this 0,2 sp and he became a 75Q player - so he is out of the nego list now.
    Meantime, I had some gifts sp for him.
    His special ability is active so the earning sp should go there and not in quality but I guess this is a bug of the game (is it ? )
    So, if you have a good offer, don't wait too much to give your player.
    The new star system  (and the negotiation list)-thamnidis.jpg

    * that's not relative, but as I upload the photo, you can see that his morale was zero when I used him (after staying for so long time in the bench) but still he got a 7,3 and 8,3 in those two games.
    Just another confirmation that low morale doesn't many times doesn't affect the performance of the player - save your blues
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Answers in RED

    Quote Originally Posted by cookizzz View Post
    Thanks for your detail illustration. I have not yet fully understand. Kindly clarify the followings:

    1) For your example above, if the player is trained under new version and is improved, the improvement will be added to SA. New star will not be immediately added, because the sp accumulated for SA is not calculated for adding star, isn't it? YES IT IS !!!

    2) For same example but assume there is no sp accumulated for SA. When 1 sp is assigned to attack/defense/P&M, new star may be added. But it is also possible that new star will not be added until 2nd, 3rd, 4th or even 5th sp are assigned. So we are not completely certain about the trigger point, right? If no SA opened, training remains classical and evolving too. If SA is opened and at 0, in my exemple you only have to release the 16 SP (=3.2 pts) to know what could happen !

    3) If I train players with old version and create some sp for my players, a new star will not be suddenly added to these players until I assign sp, will it? YES... if you only play on OLD VERSION. Otherwise NO if you train them on OLD VERSION to earn SP and then play on NEW VERSION, Nordeus will add automatically SP first on SA second on player directly (and will add SA points to global calculation that will let your player get the new star even if yet at 4 or 9%).

    Thanks. I am still curious about this.

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