Originally Posted by
Eric Jego
I have the answer ! I tested it and explain it on french FB forum last week because I was very sad about new version that crushed all my negociated players list strategy !!!
Finally I discovered there is a big difference between ratings in old and new version. You could have 182 in defense (Old) and 182.7 (New). So far, some of my players that were at 1 SP of the new star in Old version were automatically getting new star....
Then, now, it is not anymore 1 SP of the next star... It is now depending if you are playing (or preparing it) from which version ! For Old version, your player needs to be between 2 to 5 SP of the new star. For New version, it is 0,1 to 0,4 points before the next star !!! So the alert is when you player gets 99 %. From this moment you need to be carefull !!!
Last but not least... a trick is to load a new ability or role to let your player at the same point for negociated list. A this moment (EVEN IF YOU SEE YOU DIDN'T CALCULATE CORRECT), NEVER train a player or play a match on Old version because if your player earn 1 or more SP, Nordeus inserted a new rule !!! All saved SP in a role or ability will be added to defense/attack/moral skill points. So far, your player will have the new star due to this new rule. Don't worry, SP in the new role or ability will stay in it ! But it is as if they are alive and not frozen in it !
EX :
You have a player at 189 / 189.8 / 190
You have free-kick ability currently in action at 16 on 40 to be targeted.
Your player is not on the recommended list BECAUSE he misses 1 SP to be on the negociated list. Remember, now it is between 2 to 5 SP before next star.
You decide to let him earn THIS LAST SP. New version doesn't allow it because it is directly for ability !
You decide to train it on Old version and earn the targeted SP to be added manually. You do it.
So far, Nordeus changes calculation rules ! It is now [189 + 189.8 + 190 + 0.2 (1 new SP) + 3.2 (16 SP on ability)] / 3 = 190.73
I did my test with checking both on OLD and NEW version for negociated list, with my former negociated list players (currently correct on Old but not on new version) and with 2 training that change my 2 players in the next star !!!
So no doubt !