Negotiations is a brilliant idea of the game but it’s not working.
Here some suggestions we did from the Greek forum , this thread, hopping that it can work better.
1) The manager/buyer would be able to see the profile/team of the manager/seller. With that, he can have info about what is the active quality of the player for his team (a 6*-7* player is valuable for this team and the other manager probably won’t sell him – at least not with few token). Also from the roster of the team, he can understand how valuable is this player.
He can figure out if the manager/seller is an active one, his team is set, his titles or current league position. His finance too.
2) When we ‘re checking the profiles of managers/sellers, to be able to see if they ‘re active at that time (like our team mates in associations).
3) When a player reach the wanted quality for nego list (1 sp from next star, like the old version), then he ‘ll stop gaining quality. At that moment we must have a sign.
* because majority of managers don't understand when a player is ready for the list, now with the new version with %.
Here comes the Mourinho who ‘ll say that our player is ready for nego list.
Do you agree to set him there permanently ?
If we choose yes, then our player will be permanently in nego list.
We can use him in games but he won’t earn any more quality.
Not from game or training gaining, not from MoM title or the daily gift sp.
4) We ‘ll be able to see our player in nego list (of course not to make an offer).
5) When we put our player in nego list, we can set a minimum token price for us.
There can be a second column with the token we want, besides the fix tokens for the nordeus, or something like 8+2 T.
With that way, we avoid those silly 0T offers and the other managers can understand that we must get some T too (because many believe that from the T price they see, some or all of them are going to the manager/seller ).
Next day, we can change the fix T price if we want.
6) Nordeus could have only the fix token and not extra tokens from the offers.
It’s not clear that for every offer, there is the same amount for nordeus too. After all, the price is getting very high.
A 25 y.o. player needs 8 tokens fix, if we make an offer of 3 token it’s 8+3+3=14 token for a player who ‘ll be 6* the next day but he ‘ll stay in medium 6* quality all the season.
Next season he ‘ll be a medium 5* who you can’t sell easily.
The profit from nordeus can be that nego will start to be active again and managers ‘ll start selling and buying more.
7) After 12 hours, which is half the circle of a day, we ‘ll be able to cancel our offer if we don’t see any response.
8) To be able to loan players from the list.
If a manager/buyer wants to test a player, he gives 1T to the manager/seller and 1T for nordeus and can use the player for one day. He can give boosters to this player but the manager/seller gets the player back as he was before the loan.
This player in the list has an indication that he is loan for the next ….. hours (decreasing clock).
9) To be able to make offers to managers from other servers too (from fb or associations).
10) Chat option between the managers. Or at list some fix questions/answers (like, how much token do you want ? __ / I want __ token / not for sail ).
11) A second nego list were the players aren’t 1 sp from the next star but they have quality of _4 or _9 (34, 49, 74, 159 …) .
So to be able to have some players permanently for sale.
12) For players 30 y.o. and above, must see how many more active years they have.