Nik, you compare U18 player, who played 2 games with a Nordgen, who only performed at league. If I see, that a Nordgen scores that much, opponent had to be weak and/or illegal formation. At cup/CL where (I think) you play vs better/evenly opponents, that screen say nothing about his performance (I don't wanna say, he isn't good, but this comparions seems like... meh)
That's a big problem at the moment at my server. I woke up every "season start - sunday", but the last 3 seasons were nothing to buy. I've to little kids, so also sleep less at the moment, so I'm usually can check every day a few minutes after server reset the list - nothing. Around two hours later, I wake up - nothing...
One time, I was lucky - last season, my wife saw the "Costa-copy" Vitorino da Silva, but it cost me nearly all ressources to get him to my team.
Here, Eisner first 2 games this season - last both games
Yesterdays cup, Eisner started, because I need a formation with 2 ST. Oppenent was 3% weaker
Todays CL, Kraxner couldn't score. Opponent was 5% weaker
And my scorer is my DC, also U18 player, bought last season - he is the worst FT, but who cares, if he performs that good?