Play like this:
line1: GK(same)
line 2: DL(same) -DC(same) -DC(same)
line 3: DMR(Cisterna)
line 4: MC(Tyrrell and move him where is now Aguayo) -MC(Gamet, let him where he is)
line 5: AMR(Torres)
line 6: ST(Mills) -ST(same)
Blue arrows on everyone from line 2,3
Red arrows on everyone from line 4,5,6
I know it's look kinda wierd but trust me with something similar I won last season CL and League very easy. This is a game so is not like in real, here you need to use your best players, don't forget, something important is after you made this substitutions don't forget to check their moral to have superb. Just try and let me know about your results. Cheer!
BTW if you will get some MC injured or red card move a player on he's spot because you will lose possesion same and if you will get DL injured, replace him with AML (but put him on AML spot- right place)
yes, is ok, as long you play with 5 defenders you can use some ofensive mentality :P
Team Mentality: Attacking
Focus Passing: Mixed
Pressing Style: Own Half
Tackling Style: Normal
Passing Style: Short
Marking Style: Zonal
its ok? i just wondering, why u prefer ST-Mills rather then ST-Choi 6*
n one more, i dont get it what are u trying to explain
"if you will get some MC injured or red card move a player on he's spot because you will lose possesion same and if you will get DL injured, replace him with AML (but put him on AML spot- right place)"
Passing Style: Short
try mixedas long you have players on all possitions.
what I wanted to say is if your DL will be injured don't change him with an other defender, change with with that AML
and if you will get an MC injured, to put an other player there, because if you will play only with 1 MC you will lose possesion