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Hi managers,
today I had to kick out one inactive manager from our association who did not meet our requirements. We are hiring the best manager to replace him.
Currently we are Bronze 2 with enough points (306 points) for promotion to Bronze 1 at the end of season. We have won 3 first places, 1 third place, 1 fourt place (after the fourt place I initiated this change). Our ambition is clear and simple: to become platinum and keep receiving 100 tokens every month. If your ambitions is the same, do not hesitate do join us. We do not require any certain level, we simply need active managers who work with their squads, train their players, visit the matches and work with the bonuses.
We play our home games at 11PM GMT+1.
Currently, we have one open position. If you are interested, look for the association called Night Attackers, #L2PNXY.
Reply to this post if you have any questions.