I'm with Pricop on this - I don't think you should be a moderator, at least not yet anyway.
You just don't have the right attitude - it's not just a case of the fact that you bash the game a lot, it's more of the fact that you do seem to promote a negative aura on here, but that just my opinion - I just don't think you have the right attitude!
But saying that, I do believe you are a valuable long standing member of the forums, and you do give good advice (when you're not talking about silly conspiracy theories)
People mature and change, I won't name names, but I have watched as some of the disruptive members have changed their ways and really matured, becoming really good forum members, and I have watched the opposite & seen people fall from grace.
Either way, forum moderators have never been popularity positions, so I do think the poll is a little irrelevant, it's all about how you express yourself, and your drive to help others!
Show you really want to help people, and that you value the forum, and you never know - it's all about respect!
Peace <3