I disagree on your first point. The 3 hours between matches thing had nothing to do with friendlies. It was a 3 hour minimum between games on your schedule, I believe.
using the word asymmetrical for anything other than shapes/formations is just wrong. - having parts which fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry. It just shows that someone like to use big words and impress people without knowing what they mean....you know who I am talking about.
Making the manager who initiates the friendly as the only party to lose condition and get injured is an acceptable solution. Like I said, someone can friendly me until the cows come home as long as it doesnt affect me at all. knock yourself out!
The only other acceptable solution is to be able to confirm and/or accept the friendly before it happens. Being able to complete turn off friendlies would be perfect.
The multi-platform excuse is a cop-out. A few other programmers have confirmed this.
I went on a group job interview today, and half that group got knocked out after the first test... Guess why ?
All they had was excuses about why they did so bad, and obviously no results...
You may have the best excuse in the whole Universe, but who gives a damn ? Excuses are useless without at least "some" concrete results.
Favorite Formations : 4-1-4-1 // 4-5-1 (F/V) // 4-4-1-1 // 4-4-2
Some thoughts on them :
I had a match played couple hours ago, and when I become online instead of first checking the result I check this thread. So having to see some action from Nordeus people even when we are hopeless are more exciting than playing the game.
Marca wrote:Nope you know that this is not true. If players could be improved faster; this could be true. Other than that you can play the game free, but it wouldn't called playing. All of us in this forum knows that it takes 3 seasons tops for a 5 star player to become 2 or 3 star player. And no-one wants to play this game with full of 2 and 3 star players in his team. So if you want to enjoy this game you must spend money, and I don't know any person who just play a game that he/she doesn't enjoy at all.Nordeus have mad a game, for free. If people choose to spend their money on it then that is THEIR choice. It is quite easy to play the game for free and not buy any tokens but if you CHOOSE to spend money on it then it is YOUR CHOICE. And it is a choice I make.
On top of these no-one in this thread is crying to get results; instead everyone wants the game to be better. It should be the Nordeus asking our feedback, but instead of working our feedbacks; they are working on their excuses I suppose.
You can successfully play this game and have fun without spending money. I have done, and I am certain others on this forum have. I also have fun with the game with spending for tokens, so I do think either way is fun. So, truly to each their own on that...
I guess I have more patience, which surprises the heck out of me, I am not known for that. I have played console games that were buggy, and *never* got updated. So I look at this as they are working on it, and I like the game as it is anyway. I have only had a couple friendlies foisted on me, and they regretted it more than I.
The three hour between was to include friendlies I believe and that as I mentioned was a issue for people who wanted to schedule friendlies at their convenience and couldn't if it was too near a regular match.
I've been reading all these moans about the game and have decided to contribute my own thoughts.
First of all, I am now just finishing my 16th season in the game. YES, I've been frustrated at times, but that's life. In those 16 seasons, I've won 6 trophies (4 league, 2 CL), so not as many as some of the players even in lower levels. But I play for the enjoyment of it. Now I do buy a small amount of tokens each season, (usually around 60). But now to the topic. Of course there are problems with the game (what on-line game doesn't have them). Most of the significant faults can be got around by the players themselves and don't need the programmers to sort it.
FRIENDLIES: This seems to be the main issue. Sure, unwanted matches are a pain, but that can easily remedied by us ourselves. Only have friends who are of similar mind to us. If you get these matches that you don't want, simply unfriend the person (if in game), or contact the other person and tell them not to send these requests (if on FB). I have just under 100 in game friends on here, and I only get unwanted requests on average once every two seasons.
KICK-OFF TIMES: This can be a problem, but with a global game, time zones etc, will sometimes be troublesome, so I can't really see there is a simple solution.
MATCH RESULTS: OK, we've all lost to much lower quality teams, on more than a few occasions, but that is the nature of sport. Would the game be better if the stronger team always won? I doubt it. It would get boring. And incidentally, I can't remember on too many occasions, a player complaining that they didn't think it fair that they'd beaten a much stronger team, when they shouldn't have.
INJURIES: Now this issue seems a real problem. I have to agree with people who say there are too many, but there again, nobody can know for sure what sort of tackling our opponents are using, and also we can attract injuries ourselves by using the "hard tackling" setting.
STATS/RATINGS: Frankly I can't see any issue with these. Sure, they bare no resemblance to completed matches, but does it REALLY matter? In all the time I've been playing, there is probably only a handful of times that I've even bothered to read them.
NAME CHANGING: Now this is the part that really irritates me. Some people want this facility to be free. Why? The name of a player (or their shirt number), makes no difference to the game play. Changing a name or number is only cosmetic value, and if anyone is sad enough to want to change them, then why shouldn't they pay. I've had a striker and a winger wearing #1 before. So what?
Now for the only real problem I have with the game, ILLEGAL FORMATION. I don't think this should be applicable. If we want to play without a striker, or have just two defenders, that should be our right.
On the whole, I don't think this is a bad game, and for the most part, I am happy with it. Sorry this is a bit long, and I guess I'll just be shot down for my comments, but this is my opinion.
Olympic Stadium...East London
Season 47...........Manager Level 33
I disagree that most of the problems can be got around and we dont need the programmers to sort them. The fact that there are problems, problems that any programmer can fix, is the issue. Rather than have your opinion on the issues you have listed, I would prefer to have MDKII deal with them point-by-point and explain where they are in regards to all of them. No offense Raykco, but nobody cares what you think of the issues, just as nobody cares about my opinions on them, because we cant do anything about them. We are only people with opinions and complaints, while MDKII is the voice of Nordeus and his word means something.
But here are mine:
Friendlies: yes, we know the easy solution, but its not the CORRECT solution. This is not a FB issue, its a T11 issue. They have the knowledge and capability to fix this issue satisfactorily to all managers but they refuse to. Why? They cant give a reason good enough to justify any action except to limit damage in terms of condition and injuries OR to allow the manager to outright accept them before they can be played. Anything other than these two solutions is disgrace.
Kick-off times: I agree with you in that time zones of individual managers make it hard to make everyone happy. But you forgot to address the 3 hour minimum between games which everyone wants. If someone doesnt want it, then they are just being difficult, because it benefits all and puts absolutely nobody out. Sure, Nordeus will lose tokens to this, but its the CORRECT thing to do on their part.
Match Results: What more can be said??? The troll engine is horrible at the best of times. the manager who beat me in the Cup semis didnt watch any of his games, including the final and won all of them. and he wasnt the best team in the cup draw either. He was countered, had nobody supporting and still won the final 2-0. I watched it and supported the other team (yes, I was bitter). teams with 9 men due to injury and red cards win against better quality teams far too often. The higher quality team does not always have to win, but there are too many troll wins where logic dictates that the result is just wrong on several levels. What we are asking for is consistency and logic to rule for the most part. There should still be upsets, of course, but make it logical, not fantastical.
Injuries: Too many. end of story. I wont say more on this because I have already said it ad naseum.
Stats/Ratings: Sorry for being the bearer of bad news - your lack of interest in the stats/ratings is irrelevant. Everyone wants to know why or how they lost/won. The fact that you can have bad ratings and still open a can of whoop-ass on your opponent is mystifying. For morale to go down like it does, does not make sense. the ratings are tied to morale in a bad way. We KNOW why, the wasting of blue boosters. We can accept that something has to happen for us to need to use them. OK, we are good with that. BUT, at least make it make sense. Not only that, but more than occasionally you have shots on target that outnumber total shots. Just some shoddy work on the programming side and ****ty work on the managerial side for not proofing it first before releasing it.
Name Changing: Who cares? I dont. What difference does it make that they promised? to remove the charge of 1 token for it 2 years ago and have still not done it? I agree with you in that it is cosmetic and it should cost a token to do it, at worst. But at the end of the day I think people would have more fun if they were not charged for it and they would be happier and more proud of their teams full of Messis and Ronaldos or their own last names and favourite numbers. It is certainly better than the 3 tokens that it used to be apparently, but really, ZERO tokens would be the CORRECT thing to do.
Illegal Formations: Like you, I have a serious problem with this. they have this programmed wrong, and its not the fault of the devs, its managerial, because they should understand the issue and have the devs re-program it. I play against an IF (illegal formation) tonight and its all up the middle and very hard to beat. 3N-1-2N-1-3. i beat them 0-3 in the first game, but he still had 7 shots (3 on target), and 6 corners. He has 1 win and 1 draw. It should be 26 losses. there are too many positives with only 20% possession. they should limit the corners, shots on target, tackles and score to reflect the 20% possession. This is not Barca or Bayern with 20% possession which would still give you a serious run for your money. They need a facking popup to tell you you have an IF. They already have a popup to tell you a player is out of position. Why not for the IF? Look, they want you to stick to certain formations for whatever reason so they penalize you with lack of possession if you choose an IF, so why bother allowing the IF in the first place? Just have a popup tell you that it is illegal and not allow you to save the formation until you put a player in the default positions.
I agree it is not a bad game, just poorly run. They have a lot of work to do still and should not be charging what they are charging for such an incomplete game. BAD MANAGEMENT! Nordeus you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Rayco I just have to start by saying that this is not a thread about moaning. Here is my summary of 7 season:Almost nothing we wrote is about winning or loosing. If that is the case I shouldn't talk at all with all the cups I recieved. With that being said:
FRIENDLIES What we are asking is an option to reject. That is all, and that is how it is done IRL. It is so simple that we shouldn't even talk about it. We can reject a bid when it is on negotiatin list can't we? So there are something that a manager could reject in this game. It is not something new to this game. So we want to have same option about the friendlies. I know it is diffrent aspect than bidding, but I am showing the example to illustrate that it can and has been done in the game.
Kick Off Time Caricot explained it perfect. I can't add anything more.
MATCH RESULTS/MATCH ENGINE This is what bothers me most. Why do we have illegal formations in the game? Or why do we play football manager game at all. My reason is simple I want to create my best squad with transfers and training, but the enjoyment in these kind of games comes when you beat someone similiar to your strenght with the actions you take tactically. If I can't have response to my changes from the match engine; then what is there to watch a match? As I said before if someone wants to play without any wingers in offense and in full back, let them play. But my tactic with wingers supported by supporting backs should reward highly. In this game I get the possesion cosmetically. I see %80 possesion for my side, but when it comes to results, or shots nothing change. Because I believe this possesion is purelly cosmetic. Actually IRL no team plays with %20 possesion if they play without winger and backs. But they would give a lot of chances to opponent team if the oppenent plays from wings. If they can have realistic match engine and reflects the reality; I don't care with illegal formation. And no one actually would play with illegal formation since the results would be bad for them.
RATINGS/MATCH REPORT Since we can't actually watch the games the only way of judging our players performace is the stats. And the stats are so unrealistic; it doesn't reflect anything about the match. I wrote before I won a game 4-0 and my team got 72/110 and the opponent got 79/110. If you just look the ratings and guess the results; you would guess 0-1 or 0-2 for the opponent. And his defense and the gk got full of 8's as ratings. Now this has nothing to do with the match I played. On top of this we can't see any subbed player ratings on match report. Another side for judging your tactics and and team is the stats and tactics. We should be able to see stats and tactics breaken down as first half, second half and total. We can check the opponents first and second half tactics with regards to ours and stats, so we can develop or drop a tactic. Stats and tactics are there Nordeus just need to divide them for this implementation. Actually this is a cosmetic change, but this can give more insight for us.
INJURIES All said to this, but I want to see my opponents injured players for creating my next game tactic. I also want to see injured players on transfers. Spending 20 or more tokens to buy injured player is a pitty.
NAME CHANGING I just don't care at all since I am not into cosmetics in a manager game.
The game is a good substitute for people who don't have enough time for more complicated manager games like FM. But people like me who played Champ. Manager and Football Manager, this game should be improved vastly so that it could be more realistic and logical to be enjoyable. Other than these transfer market, red and green packs, morale boosters are also unrealistic, but those can be understandable.
This game is tested by the people like us and these are our feedbacks. Companies do actually pay for feedbacks. We actually pay to give our feedbacks, but it looks like no-one cares.
It doesnt cut it. Takes about 1 hr to make up a test server and have a hundred players join it and experiment every chane first hand BEFORE implementing it. Every game has a test server, and that's the good way to interact with people's opinion and use them to improve the game.
The only reason why friendlies are taking ages into the fix is that you are doing it half-hearted and due to jus complaining people. As matter of facts the Owners are satisfied of the game as it is and will do nothing more than the essential to keep the income maxed out.
If a test server was made, it'd be easy to fix bugs and experiment more than one thing at time, resulting in a way faster upgrade capability.
So question is: why keep going into lone development? A: it's convenient.
HMN, you nailed it. They really dont care about making any changes since they are on a cash-cow. There is no incentive to make any changes unless their revenue stream were to diminish. We need a token strike.
Did you notice that they had a special on tokens recently? That is a result of people not buying enough tokens. GUARANTEED. It was a desperate act to entice people to buy more tokens and it doesnt matter if it worked or not, it shows that people are leaving the game.
Nordeus wouldnt know what a test server was if it hit them on the head.