In training, to maximise the effect, just make sure that no player ever reaches 100% fitness. If you wont be logging in for twelve hours say, and you don't have a game on, then train everyone down to, at most, 80% (12 hours = 4 x 5% refills).
I'm not sure how much of an effect fitness actually has in each game, but don't lose out on skill cones by not training.
You get 5% every 3 hours, so just work out how many '3 hours' are between now and the next game. If there are 4 'refills' (11hours 59 mins) then you can train your team down to 80% so they will be back to 100% by game time.
The point is never to let your players reach 100% and stay there.
each player player will gain 5 % at a fixed time on schedule. ( mine is 6.30 and every 3 hours thereafter.
train them to peak between 95 and 99 at match time. Even if they peak at 99 with 1 recovery cycle to go, train for that 5%. It all adds up to accumulating skill points down the line.
if you hold back from allocating skill points for a few days of training and match, you get a good pic of the fast trainers who gather points much much faster than the others. These are the guys that Cat is talking about power training. Every hour on the hour, burn them at max on all 3 disciplines and boost them back for then next hour training.
Now that you got T, Grns and Reds..try it. then dump the ones that get injured often.