I lost interest in this game ... all that money I invested gone in vain ...no more money investment ....only for timepass
I believe that a game by definition should follow a set of rules which either increases or decreases chances of winning.. If these rules work concistently like they should, results should be reproducable in order for it to be called a game instead of a slotmachine. These rules should be the same for everyone. I´m an analyst by nature and profession, and really, all logic flies out of the window far too many times. I don´t mind losing to a team if I clearly should have, based on a paper rock scissors format, which in essence all games are, as opposed to slotmachines. So far the only things that are concistent in the game are based on a businessmodel.
The 2 things that trump everything over a period of time are the 2 variables closest related to Token spending, quality and marketvalue, and to be fair, they should. Another thing is that abandoned teams, or managers who don´t watch their matches, many times perform better then they should to be called fair. THis happens in other games too, It´s like the game recognizes you´re about to quit and voila, an easy screeen appears a few days later, or in this game, a better performance. I am leaning more and more towards the notion this is not a pay to win game literally, perhaps even closer to pay to lose by the way Nordeus pairs teams together in competitions.
I recognize these patterns in my competitions and teams so often that I suspect these negate almost anything else. Added to this, i also believe a lot is programmed in the way khris keeps saying. I´m going to try this with 1 team and literally only buy goals from now on. I will only look at goalscoringstats when buying players, everything else like quality, age, formation, condition etc. shouldn´t matter much when they´r programmed to score.
I´m still having some fun, but my main high Q account only gives me headaches so to speak, being constantly bombarded with trolls, unexplained, bad results ie. triggers enticing me to spend more.
Exactly. notice how there are minimal instructions on a slot machine?
there are even better odds in rock paper scissors and certain outcomes are more predictable.
This is only obvious to some. others say this game is fair, blah blah blah but its made to suck as much money as they can with the semblance of a game. time to make it an actual game with actual rules and then you will see more money come in. Cant believe they dont realize this. But it makes me think, do they have the skill and programming knowledge to do it? Based on the past 2 years, they dont have the skill, its pretty obvious.
Well this game was made only to make money, so yes, its quite obvious.
They wouldnt be able to profess so many accounts playing if they got rid of the abandoned teams. Frankly I dont think they have as much players as they claim. Get rid of all the bots and they go from 10 million to 2 million and then how many multi-accounts? cant be more than a couple hundred thousand. but they are managerless, they shouldnt have direction and therefore should not win as often.
dude I couldnt have said it better. well, maybe I could - it is pay to win per se, but its most like: "pay to win, but the more you pay, the more we will make you lose when you think you should have won, in effect, to make you more frustrated which will make you pay more to increase your teams quality and MORE MONEY FOR US!"
Lol, thats just ridiculous!, just goes to show you that morale,condition, injuries dont make a slight bit of difference!. Hey bud you should play that team every match, dont upgrade and see if you finish in the top 7 and get promoted!, now that would really take the piss!!!!!!.![]()
Well to be honest it's a cheap ass FB game, do you really think nordeus give a crap about anything else but making money....? The game is like any other, scripted from the start, it's digital, what do you expect....