I am on server 6. I have some players that I might be interested into selling for tokens. I just need 5 days max so all my injuries are healed and then I can post what I will put on the marketAnyone else from server 6 send me a message to add them. Cheerio!
"Human relationships didn't work anyhow. Only the first two weeks had any zing, then the participants lost their interest. Masks dropped away and real people began to appear: cranks, imbeciles, the demented, the vengeful, sadists, killers. Modern society had created its own kind and they feasted on each other. It was a duel to the death...in a cesspool."
Server 121
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
i can't find mine..pff
After the mysterious server reshuffle it appears that July Fourth is now on Server 15.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
My teams have switched as well.
Main team now on server 76
Other team on server 210
13 seasons
League: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
CL: 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 14 (also 2 lost finals and 3 semi-finals)
Cup: 1, 4, 8 (also 1 lost final and 1 semi-final)