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Thread: Why AMC/R/L score more than strikers?

  1. #1
    vad is offline
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    Why AMC/R/L score more than strikers?

    From my experience, strikers generally score far less goals than middle attackers. Agree? if so, what might be the explanation?

  2. #2
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    "Middle attackers" ?
    AML & AMR players are wingers

  3. #3
    Portuguese Forum Moderator Paivinha's Avatar
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    Why AMC/R/L score more than strikers?-lol.png


    In my case my players are well balanced!
    I play with two tactics, the 4 5 1 V and 4 3 2 1 where use quite the AML, AMR and ST.
    I've been playing with long passes and flanks.

  4. #4
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Yes is true, last seasons AMR / AML are scoring more then usually. Is just part of the game, I guess is something you always have to be carefully for a season to another to find out what changed because these changes decides who are the best managers.

    I was a big fan of 2 ST's, I always plaed like that or even 3 but never one until last seasons when I saw that is pointless to play with 2 ST's.

    My advice for all managers AML + AMR + ST is the best you can have at the moment.

    Why AML/AMR score more then ST's NOW?
    - That's how the games works at the moment.
    Gert Funck, Bunzo and t11_fan like this.
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  5. #5
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Because something is wrong wit the STs lately.
    I started this poll , 28 agree, 5 disagree.
    I was thinking that something has to do with the live animation.
    This was a bit earlier than STs disease but I can see many comments of friends who are watching live (I don't have it)
    that when ST is infront of GK, he 's giving pass to another player or back.
    So he lost his one to one ability.
    As PGC saying, must play with AMR-AML-ST (or AMR-AML-AMC-ST).
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 12-03-2015 at 03:11 PM.
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  6. #6
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    Yes, the ST issue is very funny.

    Sometimes when a ST (does not have to be my ST), who is just right faced to the goalie, he always, I meant he always passes the ball back to someone else behind ... What is the point?!

    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    Because something is wrong wit the STs lately.
    I started this poll , 28 agree, 5 disagree.
    I was thinking that something has to do with the live animation.
    This was a but earlier than STs disease but I can see many comments of friends who are watching live (I don't have it)
    that when ST is infront of GK, he 's giving pass to another player or back.
    So he lost his one to one ability.
    As PGC saying, must play with AMR-AML-ST (or AMR-AML-AMC-ST).

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teda View Post
    Yes, the ST issue is very funny.

    Sometimes when a ST (does not have to be my ST), who is just right faced to the goalie, he always, I meant he always passes the ball back to someone else behind ... What is the point?!
    agree... even my two ST have one-on-one skill... they do the same thing (facing the keeper and sent the ball back to MC)....that's what i say before "the ST works like the opposite defender" LOL but one of my ST right now works better, cause i have arrow back... which he work like a AMC....well, still not score every game ~ 16 games 7 goal, with 4 assists, 2 man of match~ but my other ST, did the same... total 12 games, only 3 goals, 0 assists =.=~ well... i play only 1 ST tho~

    I have total 6 player for AML, AMR, AMC~ my best AMR 16 games, goals 18, assists 3, man of match 6~ and all my other AML, AMR, AMC are all 1goal/match.... (except my top AMC ~ 18 games, 10 goal, 7 assists and 3 man of match)
    Last edited by Ahlony Wong; 12-01-2015 at 07:02 PM.

  8. #8
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
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    I've also noticed that although I have some strikers that still score a lot, but offensive mildfielders are now in power. However, one case from league on level 25 where my team is, proves that every rule has an exception; team which is leader in league (im 2nd with 5pts behind) uses same formation whole season 4-3-3 shield (2MC+DMC in mildfield). He has strong team, but whole league has strong teams due draws based on avQ so he doesn't have quallity advantage. Besides that, he has on bench only 3 players, and those are GK and 2 mildfielders (one with 3 and one with 4 stars). Also, few seasons ago I've seen different, bizzare case where weak 3* team used formation 5-2DMC-MC-2 and managed to win CL position (he was 3rd or 4th). He left behind some strong 4* and 5* teams, not by much, but by just enough. How to explain that?
    It is sth I'd call team chemistry. There is no better explanation, team just plays good and it is in form and as long as it wins, don't change anything LOL.
    Ex top eleven player

  9. #9
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    Attacking midfielders usually score more goals with shots from a far distance than the strikers.
    In my experiences:
    - Form 4-5-1V: AML/AMR have more goals than the lonely strikers
    - Form 4-1-2-1-2 (narrow diamond): AMC has more goals than 1/2 strikers
    - Of course, AMC/L/R had more assists than ST

    In fact I always love the attacking midfielders, in game, and in real life too
    lespa likes this.
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  10. #10
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    Because something is wrong wit the STs lately.
    I started this poll , 28 agree, 5 disagree.
    I was thinking that something has to do with the live animation.
    This was a bit earlier than STs disease but I can see many comments of friends who are watching live (I don't have it)
    that when ST is infront of GK, he 's giving pass to another player or back.
    So he lost his one to one ability.
    As PGC saying, must play with AMR-AML-ST (or AMR-AML-AMC-ST).
    This is exactly a theory I was thinking... that is related with the live matches...

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