This is the problem. Like I said in the past, it is not a matter of winning or losing but how you win or lose. If you worked, you did things properly like a manager should be doing in a game of football managment, you won, good, but if you leave your team abandoned (no management, no maintenance of condition and moral, no training, nothing), but this team even goes to finals of knockout competitions and even win some of them, then this is worrying unless all the opponents were as crap as your team or even worse in state. Another example: you face an active team but the manager been doing what should be crap or **** in the way he been managing his team and also how he set his team to face yours but still he beats you. This is not only worrying but frustrating. If such things happen, then it is understandable why some users say this game is like a slot machine.
Concerning luck, it is evident that luck should be involved too just as to how it is involved in real life football and what is appropriate for a decent football management game. But, based on complaints here and there, maybe the extent of certain things has gone too far in this game. On overall, maybe 25-30% should depend on luck but if it is 50% like Nik suspect, then this is too much, and it is an explanation why so much **** happened.