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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: re: player contracts

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    No there's no different option, only 1 contact length can be signed. In the case of Jeeves point 3, the expired contract is signed in season 1, so the contract will expire in (current season) +2 years. Just as when it says "contract will expire next season" it means (current season) +1 year.

    Renewing during the last season (Will expire at end of season) or the grace period after expiration (Player is unsigned, not currently playable, X days to resign) will have the same result. Difference being the bonus and wage amounts.

    You can keep a contract length as 3 if, for some reason, you choose to renew every season.
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  2.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #22
    Pro Jeeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigyc13 View Post
    Thanks for your attempt to clarify the issue Jeeves. But I am a bit confused about the last part. Are you saying if we renew the contract twice (initial renewal and press renew again) we get the additional year? Or are you saying that there is an option to select 3 years when renewing? Because because I am pretty sure the standard duration is 3 years and that cannot be modified.

    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
    No, no, there isn't an option to select between 2 and 3 years of contract.
    You are correct - Standard contract is 3 years.
    -The game signs the player for 3 Years when you select Sign.
    -The game also signs the player for 3 Years (adds the missing years) when you extend a contract that hasn't expired yet.

    But when the contract has expired, the player will be signed for 2 Years (Instead of 3). So that's the current season + the next one.

    What I mean with the Quote "About point 3)" is that if you already signed the player after his contract expired, you can select the "Renew" button once more and simply pay for the 3rd Year of contract.

    EDIT 1: Oh boy, sorry I should have refresh the page again. Seems others also replied in the mean time. o.O

    EDIT 2: Btw, to give my own two cents - I never really payed too much attention as to the duration of contracts and how exactly the signing worked (the 2 years instead of 3 years thing... yeah). I learned it once, years ago, and knew that this feature was never changed and thought that I knew it correctly. Well jokes on me I guess.

    Glad I got this sorted out, guys. Apologies for the incorrect info.
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  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Ok guys. I really appreciate your input. Everybody is saying the same thing. When you renew an expired contract you only get 2 seasons (this and next) and I have no issues with this. My issue is... (Based on the screenshot in my earlier posting) Why is it that it says the duration is 3 years when you click on renew? Isn't that highly misleading and something that needs to be corrected? Because as we all agree you only get 2 seasons when you renew....

    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

  4.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #24
    Pro Jeeves's Avatar
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    Well, I personally am getting your point but also think that it's ok to be like this, @craigyc13.

    I can understand that the~

    Extend Contract

    Duration: 3 years
    (While adding only 2 extra years)

    ~can look misleading but that is if you would expect the panel to tell you how many Years will be added. In which case I think there should be a completely different message, really. Something like: "Years added: 2 Years" or something among those lines. :9

    The thing is that the panel, as it is right now, tells you the whole duration of the contract. (After you sign it)

    I don't know, I've never been confused by the panel as it is, but I know that the support agents have had some tickets from players that have asked questions similar to yours. Then again, I've never personally cared too much about the duration of the contracts that much.

    As I said, it's a personal thing. But I can get how it can look misleading due to the "Extend Contract" line.

    P.S. I'll bring it to the table when we have a talk with the devs. We've done some interface lift-ups already in 2016, again due to such feedback.

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