Another troll... Opponent weaker 15%... His form before the match - L L L L D... Our form - W W W W W... He is playing 3 wide in the back line, with no DMC... Our average rating 7.58... In 4 wins this season we had average ratings 7.53 - 7.74 - 7.74 - 7.56, and yet, we didn't win with 7.58... F... Nordeus...
Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 08-21-2019 at 03:02 PM.
Last edited by Max; 10-13-2020 at 10:58 PM.
It seems this thread is dying out. No one has been here except me in the last few days
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I had 8 last season. I should have won about 47 out of 50 matches last season but I got 42 wins out of 50. I am not saying that is bad bad but I lost 3 games in the league 20+% weaker team despite having double the shots and possession. I lost the league title last season to average teams. And I was humiliated 3-0 in the Champions League Final Despite being 10% stronger. Yes I know 10% isn’t that much but we had 19 shots to 16. And we lost that match. We were shocking. I don’t know what goes wrong for me in those Finals. As I said I have never won The Champions League. But I got to the Final 3 times and lost them all to 10% weaker teams despite dominating. The first 2 finals, I tried the hard defending tactic and both times it failed so for last season’s CL Final I decided to push my luck and go with normal mentality and about six green arrows to head forward. As I said, that game was lost 3-0 to the 10% weaker team. I thought that it was going to be my day by having my attacking trio in that final scoring a combined 130+ goals between that season to be nullified by a 4 star defence. I have no Idea how that happened. But their stupid goalkeeper had 5 f ing saves. For that CL Final. Also The CL Final before that one their keeper made 10 saves and got man of the match. Nordeus seem to hate it when so get to the final. And the annoying thing is that this season I got paying players In my Champions League so I don’t have a chance of winning it this season. I am a free loader and so is everyone else on my server. So my theory is that they keep making me lose the finals so I buy tokens but I never budge and I don’t buy them. I think it isn’t worth buying stuff for this game because you get punished sometimes by the game engine for buying tokens.