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Thread: Taking all the fun out of the association tournament

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Taking all the fun out of the association tournament

    So for at least a year now every season we get drawn against the same 1 or 2 teams and i am just about sick of it, tournament opponents should be random, i know theres other associations in gold 1 that are equal in strength to our association because weve played against them but it seems top eleven/nordeus just care about making money and not giving us enjoyment in what we have already and its just god damn laziness... so first question... is this happening to most associations, same teams for 4 weeks running in that season of association matches?

    At one time we had members averaging 6-7 star squads and the first time we hit the platinum league we were pitted all 4 weeks against TURKISH LEGENDS whom would be a 10 star team if the last star was able to be shown although i think may have been banned and all i can say is good riddance as they were never playing fair.

    Anyway.. we got pulverised 16-0 10-0 14-0 ect ect, 4 weeks out of 4 in that season of association matches playing them then relegated going back to gold division 1 again we are pitted against 9 star teams that would kill us but we battled hard and got lucky once or twice and this went on for months playing against associations 1 - 2 stars more stronger than ourselves.

    Only way to have any fairness was for some of our members to tank to meet these teams on equal terms so we now have 9 star squads apart from our manager who is barely above 8 stars but hes level 60 at the very top of his server so tanking at the top wouldnt be worthwhile.

    So far this is week 3 of the season and all 3 weeks pitted against the same team, its just boring, its suppose to be a tournament, i want to play different teams, its not just happening sometimes, its every season.

    Last season we met the same team all 4 weeks and a team 3 out of the 4 weeks, the previous month similar, the same 2 opponents 4 weeks running, its tedious and if this is a tournament then stop being lazy and making us against the same opponent every week....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

    This is not a random draw at all and this needs to be fixed...if this has been mentioned before in the forum then i guess im bringing it up again as ive only just registered for the forum.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    approved thread**

  3. #3
    Sounds extremly weird, never saw sth like this or heard of it. I have been playing for 3 different assos, having hundreds of opponents and never the same. I think its a case for game support / mods.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Kto View Post
    Sounds extremly weird, never saw sth like this or heard of it. I have been playing for 3 different assos, having hundreds of opponents and never the same. I think its a case for game support / mods.
    Yes extremely weird indeed, no variety in opponents just makes it so dull, ill play a 10 star association if i have to as long as its not the same association we've played for the 3rd week of 3 and the worse thing is there must be something wrong in the association function itself because this association has been fielding a starting 11 of 2 and 3 star players so on this occasion there strongest team in their association managed to be drawn against our manager who has the weakest team and that really is almost as good as cheating.

    Usually if you field 11 3 star players and have all your 9 star players in the reserves your team still shows as 9 star but now its showing as 3 star so theres a flaw in the system... not sure if anybody else has noticed this... my opponents certainly did because that never happens where their strongest team plays our weakest..

  5. #5
    Apprentice Jean.Monico's Avatar
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    I think associations draw shouldn't be organized by stars. It should be totally random. So some week you get lucky, next week u suck. It would sound more fair to me
    maloukees and IImaestroII like this.
    I am playing against the randomness. And the randomness is winning by far.

  6. #6
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jadey View Post
    Yes extremely weird indeed, no variety in opponents just makes it so dull, ill play a 10 star association if i have to as long as its not the same association we've played for the 3rd week of 3 and the worse thing is there must be something wrong in the association function itself because this association has been fielding a starting 11 of 2 and 3 star players so on this occasion there strongest team in their association managed to be drawn against our manager who has the weakest team and that really is almost as good as cheating.

    Usually if you field 11 3 star players and have all your 9 star players in the reserves your team still shows as 9 star but now its showing as 3 star so theres a flaw in the system... not sure if anybody else has noticed this... my opponents certainly did because that never happens where their strongest team plays our weakest..
    approved post***

    if the issue persists, just pm me. The system have some problems lately with some last registered users....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    What the hell is the point of playing in associations, we went up to the platinum league after a few months staying in gold division 1 because soon as we are in platinum division we would be drawn again TURKISH LEGENDS or YOUNG TURKISH LEGENDS....

    Suprise surprise last week we get drawn against young turkish legends and again tomorrow exactly the same... i contact nordeus who must be the rudest people in the world because ive never received a response... left them an email to reply to and got nothing back

    This crap is ruining our entire association members enjoyment, why are we against the same teams week in week out, other associations get different teams every season and every season after that, we get the same cheats every week...

    Now teams field a bunch of 3-5 star players so their strongest team gets to play our weakest team, hardly fair is it... TOPBOOM do this every week, getting sick of the same crap, NORDEUS HOW ABOUT YOU REPLY, MAYBE STOP MAKING US PLAY THE SAME OPPONENT EVERY WEEK IN ASSOCIATION GAMES

  8. #8
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    Pretty simple really , drop back to Gold 1. From what I have heard Platinum is a stinking cesspool of corruption so why would you want to play there. I am finding Gold 1 to be a decent place so far without any of the shenanigans of the Platinum level. I am thinking I will park the Asso in Gold 1 and stay there until such time as Platinum is cleaned up which will probably be the day after never.

  9. #9
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    Asso Fa is broken.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by John Grant View Post
    Pretty simple really , drop back to Gold 1. From what I have heard Platinum is a stinking cesspool of corruption so why would you want to play there. I am finding Gold 1 to be a decent place so far without any of the shenanigans of the Platinum level. I am thinking I will park the Asso in Gold 1 and stay there until such time as Platinum is cleaned up which will probably be the day after never.
    We did this for the last 6 months maybe more because every time we went to the platinum division we would be drawn against turkish legends or young turkish legends and i am sure everybody who has played this game for more than a couple of years knows exactly who these dirty cheating turks are... turkish legends were the strongest team around out of the entire top eleven servers and were number 1 position in the association world rankings but as i can no longer find then im sure theyve been banned except young turkish legends were the second association so theyre actually still playing...

    Anyway back to the point in question, even when we sat in gold division 1 for six or so months purposely losing week in week 4 of the association tourney to not get promoted even then for 2 months solid we were drawn against topboom and before then it was a different team.

    5 of our low level members have to make sure we do not get promotion in the league just to stand a chance against young turkish legends and like last weekend we draw them first so the best we will do for the second week running is finish 3rd, nordeus have been contacted in regards to this flaw in our association system, we never get any response whatsoever.

    All other associations get variety in the association draw week in week out, we get young turkish legends to whom we just lost 18-0 to.

    So well done nordeus for removing the fun from 7 years of being loyal and playing daily to you just drawing us week in week out against the same team

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