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I still can't get any MC for my main team... I pile up players on few positions...
Shows how difficult it is for nordeus to be fair. You cannot please everyone. I see plenty of people who don't want bots at all (Me included). I also see plenty of people express same opinion as you. Maybe it's split close to 50/50. Fairest thing then would be to have 1 bot style tournament like #1. And a human only tournament for #2. And so on. Everyone gets a turn eh.Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
The thing I would hate to see is Brazil v Brazil in the quarter final and if Brazil wins they get Brazil in the semi....
It really would make any IC a total joke
But I do understand not playing against Bots...Im not happy with that but if it saves the first scenario ?
I understand the background of reason for using bots ... simply because most of T.E. players which are in millions ( from china indonesia turkey and so on are choosing the big soccer teams such Brazil or Argentina or Germany and only few (thousands) are choosing their home country .... to avoid Brazil vs Brazil like u said T.E. is using bots....
therefore I suggested two things in future IC series ...
first something called qualification made up of 3 rounds (1-national then 2 regional then 3 continental ) before reaching IC instead of three same tournament of IC
2nd managers have to have a national team according to their nationality as stated in their profile.
this would help minimize the number of teams from same nationality , keep the matches among humans only which will also increase the competition much more than now ,and increase the spent of tokens / rests and reduce the number of people winning IC coz now if u take a look on FB u will see hundreds of IC winners which is ridiculous and makes the winning of this international competition over time very normal ....
Nice respectable mature debate btw taking each other's opinions into account. No dummies out of the pram saying I want my own way!But yeah do it my way or I quit!
joking lol
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