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Never got into that counter formations stuff either, but saying that formations don't matter in the simulation is an interesting claim, not that I mean to deny it. Formation consists of players in their positions, and positions clearly matter for individual players and affect on what they are doing on the pitch.
Let's assume I had a formation with 2xDC, 3xMC, 3xST, and DL/ML/AML & DR/MR/AMR that I could use in any of their positions. Let's also assume that their every skill, white or gray would be the same, like everything 100%, so they would be equally capable at playing in all of those and would have the same impact in simulation.
Would it be completely the same whether I used 4-3-3 or 2-3-2-3? Now those two individual players would be more involved in defence if I used the previous, and more in offence and score more goals, should I use the latter. So we would have different players doing different things, but would the odds on what's going to happen (goals for me, goals against me, possession, cards, set pieces etc.) stay the same?
E: Modified this a bit to make my point clearer