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I understand where you are coming from. Tactics however are relative, not random. There are random results, however, over a large sample size those troll results will be statistical outliers.
What's difficult with the tactics is, we have to know what the counters are. Such as, how to do you counter the offsides trap? How do you counter a short passing game? Even if we knows the answers to these questions, we run into more complicated things, like hiding the system and hardening the system.
There are some associations out there that do know how to do this stuff. Usually the Gold 1/platinum borderline type groups aren't this advanced, so when they make platinum, they sometimes go right back down like a revolving door. However towards the top of platinum it's a different story. Add in mutant players to these associations and it's a real nightmare to matchup against them. Fortunately, i've only encountered it a few times. Big thing to watch for is if you make a tactical adjustment and all ratings go green for my team for the ratings immediately after, then followed by a sea of red. When that happens more than once, the opponent has identified my changes from match ratings, statistics and animations, plus knows what to do tactically. Most notable example for me was when playing against Paradise (World #26 I think), when this was happening. My opponent was an upseller, but I had full mutant team as well. It was clear as day, he knew how to counter my orders, and was skilled in figuring out what I changed. All I could do was attempt to hide my system and harden my system, to slow down his reads. Really difficult to play against.