To me the same thing is happening as maloukees, win gives good the best players get superb, to my son also.
I don't see any issue with the changes to morale. My team's morale has never been so high and so stable... but then I've never really bothered with it as it didn't seem to affect anything (and still probably only has a very small effect).
If I win my morale usually stays at Very Good, with a few players on Superb. Every now and then they drop down to Good, but they come back up without using blue packs.
I appreciate it might be different if I wasn't in a fairly easy league and winning almost all games.
No ofcourse not!!!!
But Im leading in the League , lost only my first match. ... and won all in the cup and the CL and my morale went from good in the start of the season to almost all players, the starting 11 , to superb...
I did not spent any morale booster this season unlike the season before those one every day I spent like 6 boosters just to keep morale on good
Good work so far nordeus. I have only spent 10morale packs this season![]()
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I’m sure that I’m not the only one suffering from this new morale system. I won’t be wasting my time to complain on this forum if what I’m experiencing is not true. Look at others on this forum to see how many others managers suffer from morale hits like me compared with the very few that are happy and two thumbs up for Nordeus fantastic scam game. Top 11 is getting more complicated and harder to stay competitive without spending regularly on tokens. Good to see the few enjoying this meaningless changes (albeit far from reality).
Good for you. Last season I averaged 9 boosters per competitive match to keep players at Superb and Morale status stay healthy until next match day Now I’m averaging 18-22 blue packs to get my starters and bench ready for competitive matches. After a win Morale drops from Superb to Very Good/Good and from V. Good to Good/Poor. Forgive me if I don’t believe you because I don’t experience what you claimed just the opposite. Now I can’t afford to stay competitive and play with all the tournaments. Top 11 is no longer fun but stressful and not worth my time and money.
Since the morale changes hit I've only concentrated on keeping the starting XI and bench happy - as I'm winning mostly the starting XI are keeping themselves happy so it's only 10-12 videos a day to watch to get the bench up to good before each match. The reserves aren't likely to feature (unless I really need to reduce quality for a super low-Q opponent) or cover injuries, in which case I use up a couple of blue packs to get them up to superb before putting them out to play...
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...
After several years happily playing this game and spending quite a lot of money buying players every 26 games I am quitting.
This new morale boost is a total rip off, after every daily update I have to morale boost 27 of my 28 players even though prior to the update I had 28 superb morales, and after every game I have to boost 27 players again, even yesterday after winning 5-0, 27 players needed boosting again, I mean what have you to do not to drop morale? Win 25-0.
Granted I normally have to boost about 15 players once a day but the free videos covered that, yesterday after 3 games and daily update it cost 108 boosts (27 x 4)
No it’s turned into a way to make you run out of saved up boosts and then have to buy more practically daily,
Sorry Nordeus you have gotten your last euro off me, it’s a total scandal and greed has ruined a very enjoyable game.
Last edited by Anters; 09-25-2019 at 10:29 AM.