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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenjo View Post
    Considering I won 0:9 against 2% stronger team, can't say I agree
    Mad stuff happens on the challenges, you always lose to one of the worst teams at least once with 100% shot efficiency, you beat the stronger teams 10-0 and you draw to the slightly weaker teams.

    Anyway my experience with this was I was playing a 10% weaker opponent away and I lost 6-1. And A few weeks later I beat a 4% stronger team 6-0. I didn’t even have my squad on full rests and morale because the ads ran out, the next game, even more annoyingly was that I played a 20% weaker active manager and I had prepared my squad fully this time and I got a 1-1 draw, from 6-0 beating of a stronger team and then drawing to a 20% weaker team, we then lost at home 1-3 the next game, we lost 3-2 to an abandoned team in the league a few games later.

    After that On the 14th match day we had 99% quality and my opponent had an 88% average quality rating.

    We lost the game 3-2 and we were leading 2-0 until the 80th minute, and 4 games later we were playing another useless 60% team and we were 40% stronger and if we won we had have been in with a chance of the title race but we drew 1-1, with the other team having 100% shot efficiency.

    That same season on the same day, we played another 88% side in the cup Semi Finals and we were 1-2 up from the 1st leg, we were 12% stronger than the other team and we lost 0-2 at home, our best player who had 8 stars got injured in the second minute and they won the game with 2 Quick fire goals. That team that knocked me out Lost the final 4-0. If we got to the final game we would have played a 6% weaker team and I still believe we would have lost about 2-9. I would Quit that account at the end of the season regardless, I sold all of my players after that troll game and left that account and started a new one which is now on level 4 and I am enjoy my time on the game much more with that one.

    My old account always got trolled. My new one still gets trolled but as much.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #102
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    @Max McClean
    I added you to my friends list and I have seen that your team is slightly old to not improve on each season. What do you think about this? Do you watch ads? Do you struggle with resources?What is your strategy on using Morales and rests?

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    i watch ads but it ran out

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    @Max McClean
    I added you to my friends list and I have seen that your team is slightly old to not improve on each season. What do you think about this? Do you watch ads? Do you struggle with resources?What is your strategy on using Morales and rests?
    Well my team is a bit old but my oldest player on my team is a 4 star Veteran who has scored 45 times in 26 matches for me and is top scorer in every single competition. I have scored 114 goals so far in this season in all competitions and conceded 16 so I wouldn’t say that. I try to buy young players but everybody wants them so if they are the only players available I will buy that player.

    Well I watch a load of ads to farm rests and other boosters, I used to have 130 rests but I am down to 50.

    As how I use them.

    For rests, I will calculate exactly how much I use just in case I use to much or more than I need to.

    Let’s say I need 22 rests to fully rest my team for the next match, I will go into training and I will then go into team condition, let’s say I All my players are on 72% condition, I need 27% condition to fully rest them.

    The next thing I will do I see when my players will get an automatic 6% condition boost let’s just say 1 hour and 30 minutes until next 6% boost.

    The next thing I will do is see what time my next match is at and calculate how many 6 percent boosts I will get from the present time let’s say the current time where I live ( In Ireland is 12:36) and the match is on at 17:52.

    So that means at 14:06 my team condition will go up by 6% for every player. And then it will go up one more time during the next 3 hours which the time will be 5:06, and my team will not go up 6% in condition until after the match at 20:06.

    So at that time I would calculate that my team’s condition will go up 12% to 84% without me doing anything and to get full conditioning you need 99%. So that means you need 1 rest per player to bring their condition up by 15% from 84% to 99% and then that means I just have to 11 rests to fully prepare my starting 11.

    So that saves me 12 rests from the 22 I would have needed to fully prepare my team.
    This method takes longer but it can save you a lot of rests.

    For morale boosters, if it was the last match of the day I would wait until the next day to fully motivate my squad of players because let’s say (because of the new system in place) you will need 11 morale boosters. So rather than just doing it on that night I will do it the next day because if you wait to the next day you will still need 11 morale boosters to fully prepare my team.

    If I use 11 morale boosters the night before to fully prepare my team, the next day you would think your team’s morale would still be at superb? Wrong it goes down to Very good and you need to use 11 morale boosters again to fully motivate your players. So that means by song both my methods for these 2 boosters you should be able to save a good few boosters.

    Finally, for injury packs, there really isn’t that much explaining to do here, you hardly ever use them because it is rare if your player gets injured, maybe once a week. I will only watch ads for injury packs if I am low on them.

    I hope you enjoyed my 10 paragraph essay on how to use boosters and packs. Lol.

    Thanks to all of you who bothered to read to the end of this long post.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    maloukees likes this.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    The second phase is a little more balanced. In the first phase I only had one “opponent” and easily got the first place. Now there are four candidates for the first three positions and also a couple more that can “surprise”. It will be tough.
    Nebu likes this.

  6. #106
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    I have an opponent +15% quality (for me, for others is more).
    1st place is a lost case

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bratislava, Slovakia
    4 opponents stronger than me, I am 112%, but I have got one 147% ... that is just way too much and he does not even have "second team " with 1 star players so dont understand how he is in the mix with the rest of us lol ... never mind, I will beat him anyway

  8. #108
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirrowka View Post
    4 opponents stronger than me, I am 112%, but I have got one 147% ... that is just way too much and he does not even have "second team " with 1 star players so dont understand how he is in the mix with the rest of us lol ... never mind, I will beat him anyway
    The thing is that the others will challenge you but no one will dare to challenge him.

  9. #109
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Does the friendly/FA match win bonus has an influence on Kings of Kings matches?

  10. #110
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Who is watching the ranks just in case someone from below sneaks and takes your team's position?

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