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Thread: Season 124 - Are you ready?

  1. #501
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VFK View Post
    I won the league with a margin of five points. Still it annoys me how my AMR lost the Top Scorer Challenge by one goal (40 v 39) because he failed to deliver against the by far worst team in the league, that I faced in the last round. My AMR scored 1 in 2 games against him while the winning player netted a total of 7 against the same guy.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    I know the feeling, i ve lost 30T in a contest because i ve only assisted twice with the players i needed instead of 3 times in a 12-0 win...
    talk about feeling pissed.
    I already posted about a match where my team won by 9 goals but with no assist. The game engine for sure is **** when it comes to assists, especially when MCs are involved.

  2. #502
    Pro Nebu's Avatar
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    At least the Nebuchadnezzar scored a treble: League, Cup, SL... Super Cup was fixed and rigged (bad Nordeus). Opponents played a drab game and won in penalties.

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    The Nebuchadnezzar exploring T11

  3. #503
    Quote Originally Posted by Nebu View Post
    At least the Nebuchadnezzar scored a treble: League, Cup, SL... Super Cup was fixed and rigged (bad Nordeus). Opponents played a drab game and won in penalties.

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    I think they favour the CL winners in those games, every Super cup game my friends have played in have been tight Affairs, no matter the quality difference and a lot of them have gone to extra time.

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  4. #504
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max McClean View Post
    This. Happened to me before, I was leading the league and I had my top goal scorer miles ahead and in the last few games, my rival’s Amr scores 10 goals and overtakes by 1.

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    Some things, considering how they happened in this game in the past, looks more like they were pre-planned, fixed or arranged so that a particular team or player comes ahead of another. They cannot be coincidences. So, this is another **** part of the game though this **** part could have favored your team or player too in an another time or situation.

  5. #505
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Finished the season with a double League-Cup with losing in the CL final against the 2nd place of my group opponent i trashed (5-0 , 4-0) with conceding 4 goals in a 3-4 defeat...
    Sold couple of players including my both fullbacks and bench players, i ve been thinking on selling couple more but after what i ve seen with @MaxMcclean in winning the the CL at lvl 5 with a rather average team compared to mine, no offense @Max, but i cba on having the best players if i lose against nobodies...
    I m still around, LOL!

  6. #506
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max McClean View Post
    I think they favour the CL winners in those games, every Super cup game my friends have played in have been tight Affairs, no matter the quality difference and a lot of them have gone to extra time.

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    No as my team, the Champions League winner, was losing by two goals and clearly on the back-pedal early in the match, but I made big changes in orders many times and I managed to win it 5-3 in extra time.

    It seems that in recent matches, the game is disfavoring certain orders that were working well before. Maybe this is just random, but it cannot be that all those recent opponents used the same orders that countered the orders I was mainly using before (again not a coincidence), so it is more likely that, for my case, the game is favoring different orders to what I was mainly using before.
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-09-2019 at 05:51 PM.

  7. #507
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Season 124 - Are you ready?-lul.jpg

    the details of my almost perfect season being ruined by how sh*t the game mechanics are...
    1 draw in the first game of the cup against a 2* team 2-2
    and 1 loss in the CL final against a almost 77% team 3-4...
    nikolgiorgos likes this.
    I m still around, LOL!

  8. #508
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    Finished the season with a double League-Cup with losing in the CL final against the 2nd place of my group opponent i trashed (5-0 , 4-0) with conceding 4 goals in a 3-4 defeat...
    Sold couple of players including my both fullbacks and bench players, i ve been thinking on selling couple more but after what i ve seen with @MaxMcclean in winning the the CL at lvl 5 with a rather average team compared to mine, no offense @Max, but i cba on having the best players if i lose against nobodies...
    This is not something new - the team that someone beat twice in group stage comes out as winners against that same team in the later stages of the competition. I do not know if it was you who said in this thread that you will face the same team that you beat in the group stages in the final, but I did notice someone saying such a thing and already I anticipated that the game will disfavor him and he might lose but I did not say anything.
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-09-2019 at 05:47 PM.
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  9. #509
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    This is not something new - the team that someone beat twice in group stage comes out as winners against that same team in the later stages of the competition. I do not know if it was you who said in this thread that you will face the same team that you beat in the group stages in the final, but I did notice someone saying suchna thing and already I anticipated that the game will disfavor him and he might lose but I did not say anything.
    I couldn t attend the game because i was taking driving lessons...
    And yes, it was me who said that...
    btw i have won against the 2nd best team in the competiton 5-1 and 8-0 respectively, and expected a rather easy win in the final against a nobody with 80-85 condition on players plus superb morale on each....nah, it is a illogical game after all...
    I m still around, LOL!

  10. #510
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    And 28th League title achieved, we won vs the 2nd 3-1, but we secured the 1st place yesterday really as the GD was enough.

    Season 124 - Are you ready?-s124-end-season-league.jpg

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