Can anyone tell me where I can report cheats?
I have screenshot proof and need to get this idiot off the game.
Can anyone tell me where I can report cheats?
I have screenshot proof and need to get this idiot off the game.
In what way are they cheating? Please would you send me the screenshot via pm?
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
And yet nordeus still won’t do anything about it.
I just lost a Champions League Final to a team full of 3* players and a few very high quality players. A couple of hours before the game I checked his squad and formation. His formation was a mess, his team was at 46%, his team has only won 8 games the entire season and I get hammered 5-3?!?!
Just to give you an idea how suspect this is; my team was at 110%, full of 6/7* players, trained and morale at Superb, fully trained and rested, lost only 2 games all season and top of the league.
I’ve spent a fortune, I’ll never spend another penny in this game, what an absolute rip!
I had an opponent like that last season. Seemed to have two squads, one for Cups and another to tank League. I checked at one point and his team was in the 70% range then at kickoff it’s an average of 150%. Needless to say I got smashed.
It must be just a tanker
They use very weak squad to use league while they win CL/Cup with strong team
And don't get fooled by just stars. Tankers have players whose useless (grey) skills are very low, sometimes just 1%
So that even their 70% player is probably better than a 122% from scouting when we consider white skills that matters in gameplay
And yeah, I haven't tanked , like ever
But I keep stupid formations and low % players in Squad n change in the last minute so that opponent don't know my tactics and counter
If you just keep your main team and formation hours before the game, pretty easy to devise a counter and to beat a team even 30-40% higher in quality
That's what real life soccer teams do, even for their recovering star player, they won't let you know if he's playing till he comes out to the stadium holding hands with the little chaperon kid. Makes the betting people super anxious too and the betting odds swinging up and down like crazy minutes before the game starts.
As Dave said above , if you can , please send us a pm on the potential cheats they use , so we can forward it more.
For official in-game help please refer to Top Eleven Support here.
I upload top eleven content on my YouTube Channel.
Ronaldo in WC98 final comes to mind. Bookies were going mental leading up to kickoff.