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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Official] Top Eleven 2023 - Player Academy is LIVE!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Guido van den Berg View Post
    You mean yes. You ask the exact same question as I did. What happens when a player comes back from training and the squad is full with 28 different players?
    your final question was will I have 29 players in my squad when the player returns from training and my answer was no because I currently have 27 in my squad and when he returns i will have 28. i don't know how it would work if I hadn't already sold the awarded player.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2021
    i'll add that some of the coaches aren't necessarily a bad deal because it allows you to train with currencies other than tokens and rests. one of the coaches (focused defending x33 min 6 stars) is for 4 days and it costs 90 greens, 108 blues and 270 reds. now i don't value those 270 reds that highly. a player that i would use (if i did it) is a 24 year old 6 star and this coach would take their tackling from 201% to 18-21% higher and marking from 204% to 16-18% higher. because of his age and being 6 stars so the rate of improvement per rest pack drops significantly, that's actually a bad use of 90 greens (yes I know blues and reds are involved but they don't have close to the same value). it's the 4 days away that really suck.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    There are new coaches available....

    Some have duration of 15 days!!!!! That is more the half season you can not use that player!!!! and if you do that now....

    Next season he lose already all what the player has gained!!!

    So total rip off...!!!!!! MAKE THIS AVAILABLE FOR YOUTH ACADEMY please

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    This new feature in the game feels like a bad joke. Yet another way to trick players to spend their hard earned resources on mediocre leveling up. This game looks more and more like the "pay to win" model. And why are managers from different levels playing in the cup, super league and champions league? I don't care if they have stronger teams to play with their own level. Keep things clean. Put them against others super strong teams from their level. And instead of creating some meaningful update you give us this garbage. You can take it off when you do the next update. I surely won't be using this crap.

  5. #25
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Err no more free? Lol
    Interesting observation to share. When the player leaves the team, the quality drops which might help in draws. Needs testing but it looks optimistic

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    as allways will do just free ones, thinking that buying monthly card and sponsor is more than enough pay for game that cant show 2 colored shirts on 3d match but multicolored can, where scout players comes from few selected nationalities,where train and effort investedd in game mean nothing, where no free kicks that hit the wall etc etc

  7. #27
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by royalarsenal View Post
    i'll add that some of the coaches aren't necessarily a bad deal because it allows you to train with currencies other than tokens and rests. one of the coaches (focused defending x33 min 6 stars) is for 4 days and it costs 90 greens, 108 blues and 270 reds. now i don't value those 270 reds that highly. a player that i would use (if i did it) is a 24 year old 6 star and this coach would take their tackling from 201% to 18-21% higher and marking from 204% to 16-18% higher. because of his age and being 6 stars so the rate of improvement per rest pack drops significantly, that's actually a bad use of 90 greens (yes I know blues and reds are involved but they don't have close to the same value). it's the 4 days away that really suck.
    you're damn wrong. if you train the players by yourself with that same amount of boosters you will get better result. and people are crying bout lack of red treatments because of tons of injuries now
    maloukees and efc123 like this.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarharnamme View Post
    you're damn wrong. if you train the players by yourself with that same amount of boosters you will get better result. and people are crying bout lack of red treatments because of tons of injuries now
    if I spent 90 greens (i'll give blues 33% the value of a green, so a total of about 125 greens) on the same player that I'm referring to I wouldn't take his tackling from 201% to 219-22% and marking from 204 to 220-22% and i would have to use a drill like 1-on-1 finishing to get the tackling as press the play is already maxed out for me and set piece delivery for the marking because all the drills that only train white skills for a DC are done for that player.

    and my reds are over 750 now and increase all the time. it's the one thing that never stops going up for me. if they ever have a coach that takes just reds (even say 400), i'm doing it without a second thought.

  9. #29
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by royalarsenal View Post
    if I spent 90 greens (i'll give blues 33% the value of a green, so a total of about 125 greens) on the same player that I'm referring to I wouldn't take his tackling from 201% to 219-22% and marking from 204 to 220-22% and i would have to use a drill like 1-on-1 finishing to get the tackling as press the play is already maxed out for me and set piece delivery for the marking because all the drills that only train white skills for a DC are done for that player.

    and my reds are over 750 now and increase all the time. it's the one thing that never stops going up for me. if they ever have a coach that takes just reds (even say 400), i'm doing it without a second thought.
    that 1 for me is 600greens(i calculate em all the same) and i have 1000+ reds and i say that it's not worth the boosters to spend, also the days the players gone missing.
    this new feature only be good if it's for youth coach academy. that's it

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by jarharnamme View Post
    that 1 for me is 600greens(i calculate em all the same) and i have 1000+ reds and i say that it's not worth the boosters to spend, also the days the players gone missing.
    this new feature only be good if it's for youth coach academy. that's it
    i agree with the player going missing and that's the biggest reason i wouldn't train a starter. but we'll have to agree to disagree on valuing reds the same as greens. i just don't see it. i could see myself having 1000s of reds when i'm level 40 or something and not doing anything special to get them (like watching ads). greens and tokens are the most important things in the game and my primary purchase with my tokens are actually greens because i can count on 1 hand the amount of times i've purchased a player in the auction for more than 5 tokens. greens make the game go around.

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