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i'll add that some of the coaches aren't necessarily a bad deal because it allows you to train with currencies other than tokens and rests. one of the coaches (focused defending x33 min 6 stars) is for 4 days and it costs 90 greens, 108 blues and 270 reds. now i don't value those 270 reds that highly. a player that i would use (if i did it) is a 24 year old 6 star and this coach would take their tackling from 201% to 18-21% higher and marking from 204% to 16-18% higher. because of his age and being 6 stars so the rate of improvement per rest pack drops significantly, that's actually a bad use of 90 greens (yes I know blues and reds are involved but they don't have close to the same value). it's the 4 days away that really suck.