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Thread: Is there an explenation?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    This happens because of the rating variable. Your scorers* have a pattern in ratings, and they reach the Max which is 9-10 during few games in a row with Max performance.
    After something like 9-10-10 a 7/8 will come, and this force the engine to select other players to be determinant when you need to resolve a match. In this case the MoM can jump to the GK.
    well, if all determined by margin, engine, algoritams etc etc like you say khris what the hell we as players do? we are just walking valets or what? if 1% player in pitch can greatly affect of other team performance, if good player with SA cant score from free kick, penalty, or 1 on 1 or whatever SA it has bcs game determine that he do good perfomances in games before what the point in trainings and set up matches, just make avaliable afk setups trenings so i can set it and just on season end see how it ends bcs my attendance in match, substitutes, teamplay, formation changes or whatever mean nothing if game decide that your top player is crap in that match

  2. #12
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    well, if all determined by margin, engine, algoritams etc etc like you say khris what the hell we as players do? we are just walking valets or what? if 1% player in pitch can greatly affect of other team performance, if good player with SA cant score from free kick, penalty, or 1 on 1 or whatever SA it has bcs game determine that he do good perfomances in games before what the point in trainings and set up matches, just make avaliable afk setups trenings so i can set it and just on season end see how it ends bcs my attendance in match, substitutes, teamplay, formation changes or whatever mean nothing if game decide that your top player is crap in that match
    Its a programm... Just an engine, 0's and 1's... And tactically or in terms of strategy, if X formation wins Y, Y wins Z etc, this would create a full rigged simulator, and thats why counters doesnt work. Different players determine each match score, and different factors too, thats why in the end its so realistic xD

  3. #13
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Remember that this is not a FIFA where you control players, thats a tactical simulator. Lost the sense by adding casino mega jackpots? Yeah, Now we are in Las Vegas every day, but keep in mind that you are playing a simple Game, a scores generator that check out different numbers basically to generate a score that is transferred to a visual animation.

  4. #14
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    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Its a programm... Just an engine, 0's and 1's... And tactically or in terms of strategy, if X formation wins Y, Y wins Z etc, this would create a full rigged simulator, and thats why counters doesnt work. Different players determine each match score, and different factors too, thats why in the end its so realistic xD
    than we agree to disagree, it is not realistic at all, ronaldo can play bad one match or two in season but not half of it, and we came on begining again, so if it is as you say in las vegas, what is point in changing players or gameplay changes? Just played few games to do testing substitutions, changing lower power player with 2 star better player make me play even worst, he bring change in game but on downside instead on better, 5 games in row, so where is realistic in that? no matter if i lead or losing, if leading no goal scored in second half, if losing lost all balls and from counter recive more than without him and few good chances he get no matter of his quality, SA or playstyle, miss like 6 grade pupil in senior match

  5. #15
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    than we agree to disagree, it is not realistic at all, ronaldo can play bad one match or two in season but not half of it, and we came on begining again, so if it is as you say in las vegas, what is point in changing players or gameplay changes? Just played few games to do testing substitutions, changing lower power player with 2 star better player make me play even worst, he bring change in game but on downside instead on better, 5 games in row, so where is realistic in that? no matter if i lead or losing, if leading no goal scored in second half, if losing lost all balls and from counter recive more than without him and few good chances he get no matter of his quality, SA or playstyle, miss like 6 grade pupil in senior match
    How many Ronaldos do we know? very few, but in the end the game is so static, players have an assigned power by default and then the visual quality betwen both teams sets a parameter so to assign more or less attacking animations to one or another team. Lets not create a confusion between visual quality and internal quality as the quality isnt lineal in top eleven, it would create just fixed scores where the better always win. You know that you can buy 3 equal 5* players with the same SA but one will highlight and even if you train the other 2 to 9* the Max. effectivity that is set internally may have a cap that don't allow the x2 9* players to be better than the 5* that still 5*... Forget about logic nor realism, and just think in this as a simple game where roles are internally added to players, + a power of effectivity, + a power of dominance to get more animations and then the game by itself its so predictible... at some point you know what happens once you play for a while.
    Last edited by khris; 01-19-2024 at 07:31 PM.

  6. #16
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    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    than we agree to disagree, it is not realistic at all, ronaldo can play bad one match or two in season but not half of it, and we came on begining again, so if it is as you say in las vegas, what is point in changing players or gameplay changes? Just played few games to do testing substitutions, changing lower power player with 2 star better player make me play even worst, he bring change in game but on downside instead on better, 5 games in row, so where is realistic in that? no matter if i lead or losing, if leading no goal scored in second half, if losing lost all balls and from counter recive more than without him and few good chances he get no matter of his quality, SA or playstyle, miss like 6 grade pupil in senior match
    I agree with you. This game as a simulator as Khris says is therefore BS. Even if it is not like FIFA it should be more similar to it in the sense that the algorithms and programming of the engine can be manipulated by the programmers to the degree that it is done. Our training, preparation, morale, and even tactics in this game only count maybe 30 or 40% at best. The tactical aspect of this game is very rudimental and simple to the point that it can be manipulated and it is. The computer is very slow in implementing tactical changes. I also have noticed that it does not respond as it should. For example almost always when I click on the bonus during a match let's say the possession bonus often instead of my possession becoming stronger it becomes weaker and so with all the other ones, they work opposite. I click on my attack bonus my players miss all shots on goal. This to me indicates that, despite what they tell us or think we may think we know how this game works they are manipulating us into thinking we are determining outcomes while it is a blatant lie. What Khris says is true in part because that is how the computer works in theory but I believe they rigged it to have the outcomes they predetermined we should have. I strongly believe that almost all outcomes are predetermined to have the results they have set at the beginning of the season. Mathematically it happens 8 times out of 10 therefore it is evident that the system is rigged. Bottom lone we are throwing away money and time because we are in the hands of the determination of outcomes due to choices beyond training, prep and tactics.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Hankumata View Post
    Okay, I understand that there are multiple scenarios and the engine choses one based on the factors(enery, morale,training), but that is exactly where I see the issue. Like I said with the team that was net inferior to me I had my players full energy and morale, training was closed to maxed. What did the other guy do to deserve the "super GK"? Usually I trash teams like this with 7-0. With the other team I can sort of understand that he might have better team overall and better training, but that means the first team received this scenario at random. This sucks because we have no consistancy in the game. I agree surprises can happen but when you are an active manager with a nearly perfectly prepared team and see you are cheated by the engine, you get frustrated. very suspect that this happend to me twice, one match after the other. Maybe the developers have some kind of algorithm that unjustlly treats the player once in a while, to make him spend some money in the hopes of getting better.
    speaking of algorithms how does one justify in a game you are already losing 4-0 and arrive at the 88th minute to run another play that ends in a free kick with a goal and you end up losing 5-0? What's the matter? 4-0 was not enough? This game is BS. This proves that the scenarios are not calibrated properly at all. I have had games where the clock showed 86 or 87 minutes and it went to 90 minutes with no final play and often when I was losing by one goal. So this is all BS, They do what they want period. That 5th goal was unnecessary and it is just to stick the dagger deeper in your back and make you feel even worse.Every way they can rip us off is a joy to them.

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