bezveze probah kod eggfa2016 na mob i dobih dva tokena.![]()
ФК МЕДАК II - 62 x Liga; 33 x Liga Sampiona; 21 x Kup; 3 x Super Liga: 2 x Super Kup
nastupi: Frisanco (AMR) 771, golovi: Frisanco (AMR) 768; asistencije: Frisanco (AMR) 522
Meni danas skinuše 1900 tokena sa računa!!! Majku im jebem lopovsku!!!
Hi Manager,
This email is being sent as a warning because you have been found massively exploiting offers from some of our providers in Top Eleven.
Based on their report and our log of your activities, we have found that you, or someone on your behalf, managed to exploit our partner’s offers by using tools or devices that spoof your original IPs or in any other way exploit the offer system in this game, something that is against our terms of use.
We have detected that you have been using that type of tools in order to gain access to other countries' offers, which is clearly a violation of our Terms of Service.
We have deducted the tokens and boosters, which you have illegally gained from these offers, and at the time of writing this email, your Token balance is 500 and your Rest balance is 10. Actually, you should have gotten more boosters deducted, but we limited the deduction so you wouldn't go into a negative.
In order for us to provide all of our managers with a fair play game experience, we kindly ask you to stop exploiting any offers in illegal ways.
This is our first and last warning and if you continue abusing offers, your account will be suspended.
Da me ne bi suspendovali, ja sam nalog uklonio i sada ću zahtjevati trajno brisanje naloga!
Last edited by milion; 11-14-2016 at 12:38 PM.
Pa jbga samo najvece zlo je sto te neki debil garant prijavio koji zna da skidas ili si se pohvalio kolicinom tokena
Sta da ti kazem ja sam dobio ban isto zbog skidanja tokena a nisam skidao tim mi uzeli nakon sto sam poslao slike uplate tokena vratili mi tim nakon 72 sata naravno sa penzionerima i bez tokena i bustera, naravno zalio sam se ali nista i onda sam angazirao odvjetnika tako da pripremam tuzbu
sta im je tesko da dodaju vise videa za bustere(srb, cro, bih)![]()
Vjerovatno ste istog kvaliteta. Postoje 3 razloga da vas uparuju u ista takmicenja: kvalitet, prijateljstvo, manjak ekipa na vrhu. Ovo treće vjerovatno nije slučaj jer si 34 level tek (pitanje je kad je taj tvoj server počeo). Koliko vec dugo igraš na tom serveru, računaj da oni koji su u vrhu godišnje napreduju 9 levela. Pa pokušaj tako da izračunaš![]()