We know that:
-We have a new trianing system
-In the current version we can not see how many XP progress a player wins in every training
So, the concept of fast trainers is the same, because the idea is exactly the same and they still been there, but I think this forum misses a little bit of practic guide of how to spot one of these players actually, now having only visible, how many Skill Points -SP's- a player win.
I guess right now if we have 2 players age 18, and we do the same trainings to them, using X condition, one will win more SP's than the other, because wins XP -now hidden- faster.
So I open this thread to find the formula to, stablish a relation between SP's won and Condition used to have a table to spot fast trainers easy.
We know a fast trainer have between 18 and 22 age, but let's start from here:
-Doing a training and consuming the 15% of condition -or the 10, 18%, 20% - we should homogenize the data to have a relation- how many SP's should win a player age 18 having 5* to be consideered a "fast trainer"?
So then we can know, to win the 75 SP's that are needed to arrive the 6* from the 5*, how many greens should we waste.
And then, as far as I remember, theres a reduction aproximately of the 15% of the speed training when we win a star, so if we can have graphic examples of these info's I will try to add a table here to make the things easy-.