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  1. #51
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    From Sunday to Today, I've played 10 matches and received 8 injuries. Most of them were 3-4 days, a couple were 2 days and one was 12 days.

    One of the injuries occurred when I subbed my player on and he was injured 2 mins later - which in real time was about 5 seconds.
    Players Condition - NEW-2-min-injury.png

    I always have my team at about 95-99% condition and either very good or superb morale, and my pitch isn't that bad either. Last season, I think I had about 12 injuries throughout the whole season.

    I'm assuming they made this change so drastic to make it more difficult for teams with smaller squad sizes of less than 16 so that they can't just use the same players every match.

    I don't really have any complaints, but the amount of injuries I'm getting is insane and I can rarely get friendlies. Also, this change has a very big effect on teams that are in the CL and Cup as well as the league. Hopefully the developers get the message.
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  2. #52
    CDL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gert Funck View Post
    For me the in game drop is by far the biggest issue, and is already coursing lots of injuries and frustrations for managers
    Agreed.. after this change i have like 3 times more injuries than before (even if I play own half + zonal).. it's just brutal.
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  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paivinha View Post
    Hello everybody,

    I made a comparsion, between two ways of playing, using two type of tactics and I got the following results on players condition.

    This was a test I did with my own team
    sorry for my English!
    A lot of us complain about after game condition, but many more complain about ingame condition.. because of this "realistic condition" our players are too easy to get injuries... I have experienced in one game 2 of my players got injured in one match twice since this new issue...
    Last edited by Samuro; 08-28-2015 at 02:59 AM.
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  4. #54
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    One weird thing I notice was that players are now getting tired in strange way, while I was watching my match, it got to a point where the condition color on the players was red although at the beginning of the match condition was full/99%... Very strange on the last league I had two line ups (22 players) 1 line up for league and the other one for championship and Cup, and I never worried about players' conditions when I play two matches in one day, but now it doesn't make any difference, even for the following day's match players conditions will be below 90%. This is frustrating...
    Last edited by Harold Terah; 08-28-2015 at 11:36 AM.
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  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Chambers View Post
    So just to state again, the last post on the thread you deleted was by me and it read the following!

    """Fredi the Admin said, They ( Nordeus ) are trying to make the game more realistic ??"""

    If your gonna go down that road and come out with that, then theirs more than a few changes that need making to make the game more realistic, for starters, If a player in real life gets injured, do you see a manager use treatments to heal it just like that? and as for the bidding of players, token after token and to no avail, very realistic - i didnt know that when Chelsea had bids turned down for Stones that it actually cost them something -

    Fact is, its all about money and trying to get us to purchase more of this that and everything
    On point, that is true especially the tokens issue, I can't stop laughing... I think it's about getting us to buy this and that; the condition issue is frustrating since the new version, players are getting tired in a very strange way, i have been using the same tactics but i have never seen my players get tired like lately.
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  6. #56
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    Realistic? lol ..... all my players had 99% of condition....after one game they only had 20% that realistic? What should a professional player say havin 3 games in 10 days? What may happen if his club is in Cup, League and CL? Man, this is my 51st season but this game sucks more and more.....really thinking about quit that chit..... so in my opinion this is just another way for making money.... now we shall not just buy tokens but spend money also for those green packets..... but sorry, I won´t.... on the other hand - why dont they shorten the time for improving the condition from 3 hours to one hour?
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  7. #57
    FCB is offline
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    yeah my players started losing too much condition ... please revert back
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  8.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #58
    Moi is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by vad View Post
    Here are some results.

    Game 1. The opponent is close by strength. Zonal marking, low pressure, watched the game, did not change anything. Won 5:0.

    Game 2. The opponent is stronger by a star, and higher level. Zonal marking, low pressure, watched the game. At minute 60 was losing 0:2. Switched to high pressure, man-to-man marking. Saw no improvement, the opponent scored one more goal. Lost 0:3.

    Game 3. The opponent is stronger, 130 vs 127. Zonal marking, low pressure, watched the game, made no changes. Draw 0:0.

    So from all looks it appears that the change is only about being "realistic", but it has no impact on the gameplay and on the chance to win. That is, if you set your team for high pressure and man-to-man marking, you will enjoy high realism of their losing condition twice faster, but their more intensive play will not translate into scoring more goals or losing less.

    Such is Nordeus' definition of high realism.
    Hi there, vad!

    I wanted to answer this to avoid reaching the wrong conclusions. But first of all, thanks for taking the time to do this study However, as you would agree, the study is not long enough and thorough enough to assume anything.

    Tactics do have an important impact into the game. Selecting different pressure styles (high pressure - whole pitch vs low pressure - half pitch) HAS an impact in your players and in your team's performance. Same works with man-to-man and zonal defensive styles. More demanding tactics give you a boost on your performance, in exchange of higher condition drop. As in real life. Of course we can't tell you how it affects the performance of your players, this is up to every manager to "investigate", but yes, of course, high pressure gives you an extra performance boost, while normal pressure doesn't (however, it also influences other things).

    Before, it didn't make sense to have one tactic (high pressure) giving a team better performance, in exchange of same drop condition than the other option. What we have changed is the impact in the condition that these tactics require, and obviously they're not tactics that should be constantly used, because YES, they use a lot of condition.

    In your study you mention 3 games, but you can't make conclusions based only on the few changes/settings you did for every one of them. For example in the 2nd one, you switched one tactic with 0-2, but you already said he was stronger by a star, and higher level. It ended 0-3. How do you know it wouldn't have ended 0-4 if you hadn't selected that? Well, you don't.

    Game 3: you selected zonal and low pressure, ended drawing the match. How do you know you wouldn't have won the match if you had switched to high pressure at half time? Maybe that boost would have had a decisive impact, hurt the other team and led you to score a goal (or even a couple).

    Just because you switched tactics in one match against a much stronger opponent when you were losing 0-2 and you immediately didn't score 5 goals doesn't mean these tactics don't have impact on the game/performance/chances to win. Switching to high demanding tactics like these will give you a boost but of course won't guarantee you'll immediately win the game. They just give you more chances, at a price.

    I'll say that again: More demanding tactics will have impact in your performance and chances to win, BUT in exchange of your players consuming more condition. Like in real life, if you have your whole team doing high pressure on their rivals, yes, that gives you better performance ... for a while, because it makes your players lose a lot of energy very quickly, so you can't (or shouldn't) be doing that all the time in all the matches. Just when you need it.

    If you force your team to press hard their rivals for the whole 90 minutes match, of course they will be exhausted at the end of it. No teams in real life do that pressure for 90 minutes, because when you've been doing this for a while, player performance drops as they get more and more tired.

    That is the goal of the change we did.

  9. #59
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moi View Post
    Again you fail or refuse too address the new extreme ingame condition drop, that is the real issue, that is actually causing a lot of injuries no matter what tactics you chose ? what are your reel intentions here, because more realistic it is not.

    And injured players are stockpiling by managers, and too be frank draining all the joy out of this great game, when all you can think about is how to get enough red packs to actually have a lineup, and even more to make it competitive

    Players Condition - NEW-injuries.jpg
    Last edited by Gert Funck; 08-28-2015 at 01:40 PM.
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    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

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  10.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #60
    Moi is offline
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    Not at all, Gert Funck

    I am not refusing anything. I am explaining how it works. If you don't want the condition of your players to drop much more than before, don't use extreme tactics that force your players to run and press their rivals all the time. If you don't use them, your players' condition will be similar than it was before. Of course the less condition your player has, the more chances he has to get injuried. So it's something to take into account when forcing them to do high pressure for long periods of time. But the injury formula itself hasn't changed.

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