TIIIIME for everyone's favorite late-afternoon show!
Bah, I gotta work on the title - And offer the most sincere apologies for the most corny intro ever!
I love to ponder on what might be the future for my favorite games. A favorite pass time of mine in fact!
So... I was thinking. If an update to Top Eleven was to come in the near future - What do you wager would be the new feature(s) that is/are to be introduced!
And I mean a major update not just a bug-fix patch.
A new competition?
A new Transfer market feature?
New visuals?
A new re-mix of the music theme? Haha.
Other ideas?
To explain where I'm coming from with these questions - Since I play other stuff as well and have being doing so for... let's just say many years, I have noticed that the gaming communities revolving around their respective titles usually start to get an overall "feel" as to where things are going, so it's not always a big stretch as to what might hit the game in the next update.