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Thread: New Events - Share your Ideas-

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    I have an idea, for me they should pre-season 1 week to buy players and play an 8-team mini cup, world style. Quarter finals, semi-final and final and make it between 8 winning Champions League teams. Just one game not back and forth and played every other day in that pre-season week. I believe that there would be a new tournament and would give more prestige to the Champions League and serves to prepare in the preseason and have big prizes to make the champions more competitive trying to improve as much as possible to reach this mini world among 8 Champions of Champions. And also the advantage of a week of preseason allows teams that could not participate in this mini world can organize friendly matches. Thank you for reading!

    Enviado desde mi SM-J400M mediante Tapatalk
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    An idea to improve the rewards in that friendly championship without the game company having to spend anything to get rewards: every team has to place a stake at the start of the tournament of 5 rests, 5 morale and 5 treatments and 1 Token. Rewards go to 1st 2nd and 3rd on a sliding scale (1st takes 50% of the total pot, 2nd 30% and 3rd 20%). Any odd amounts rewarded to 4th place (if the % method leaves 1 fitness/morale/treatment spare and unclaimed by top 3 teams). This along side the current badges/kits would be far more appealing and create a real sense of competition which will encourage in game spend to rest players before these matches ect.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Association VS Association
    two associations players are put 1 item/Token/Green pack from club for prize.
    Matches are one leg and only support association members (example leauge/cl/super leauge cup final matches).

    Leauge, cup and Cl/super leauge champions are get token, asistan packs.

    i have more ideas but now some busy.

    Mi A1 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
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  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    I dond have a fans
    2 sisen way ???????

    Sent from my Redmi 8A using Tapatalk

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    1- Ligi ilk 4 sıralama içerisinde bitiren menajerler için jeton ödülü
    2- Mağazaya yeni resmi logo ve formalar gelmeli
    3- Her ülkenin milli takım logo ve forması mağazada mutlaka bulunması lazım
    4- Maç grafikleri iyileştirmeli
    5- Lig kralı (30 bitiricilik ) yanı sıra
    Asist kralı (30 orta )
    En iyi oyuncu ( 15 bitiricilik + 15 orta ) özellikleri hediye edilmeli
    6- Yeni başlayan ve seviyesi düşük menajerler için verilen bütçe miktarını arttırılmalı
    7- Dostluk maçı için menajerlere 5 dk içinde onaylanacak bildirim gönderilmeli veya her menajer için dostluk maçı butonu olmalı on/off şeklinde böylece istemeyen menajerler bu problemden kurtulur ( görev yapan menajerler istemediği halde gönderilen dostluk maçları görev yapmalarını engelliyor )
    İREN İDMAN YURDU likes this.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Not an event but I think 4 players for the academy it's not enough.
    I think more players will be perfect. It's our academy after all! 4 players are not enough

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreverbx View Post
    Not an event but I think 4 players for the academy it's not enough.
    I think more players will be perfect. It's our academy after all! 4 players are not enough
    I like players available on every posiotion and that you can who ever you like

  8. #18
    VFK is offline
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    There's an obvious flaw in the King of the Kings challenges that can make it unfair for some other managers.

    Daily leaderboard ends at 21:00 in my timezone. I happen to have a match scheduled at 20:59 which I can't reschedule since I'm the away team. Not that this matters for me now at the first phase but the last minutes are the most important minutes and that's often where the challenges are won and lost. This has screwed me before at the final phase and surely many others too.

    For example why not auto-reschedule the competition games to be a bit earlier or later? My suggestion would be that that at least the last 20 minutes before the end of the daily leaderboard should be free for everyone to challenge without interrupting matches.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Hello.....i play this game for 9 years now, and some of updates are great but others just made the game not very balanced between players with lots of money and players with not so much money to spend.
    Now we ca trade players between other game players only in the end of the season. WHY???
    In the first years of this incredible game we could trade when ever we wanted.
    Even if you mark a special season why not in the start of the season and in the midle.
    If you guys do that you will still have lots of paying players and lots of the others. And the games will be more balanced between all.
    Lots o people are quiting the game because its easy to know who as money and who doesn't.

    For example you could give every player the possibility to buy only 4 players on trading season. But put the trading season in the start of the season.
    Like this the games will be more balanced and still people will want to spend money in tokens.
    Because being more balanced it makes players want to buy more players.
    As you have now more and more people started to not spend money.

    Thank you for listening....

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Token rewards when watching our matches. 90%+ of all games(CL CUP LEAGUE)------?tTOKEN
    80%+ ?TOKEN
    Win CL-tokens
    Last edited by hitman0013; 02-03-2021 at 05:28 PM.

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