Season 9 Level 9 Mid Season Summary
League - Easy this season. No contenders.
Cup - Likely finals opponent is active and strong @ 92 quality at the moment.
CL - No single team stands out as they are all around the mid 80 range. Not sure if it was planned by the system but every group had 2 teams above 80 quality. Quite a coincidence. Makes me wonder if they are bots.
Record - I am looking forward to breaking some streak records but am fearful. Having seen stronger teams get trolled in later stages especially when they have a good streak going. Let's see how this plays out.
Friendly Competition - I looked long and hard for a weak league to join or at least stand a chance to win something. However, my intention is not to invest any resources. So if I play a strong competitor, I will not be conditioning my team or boosting morale. I simply do not value emblems and jerseys as I do not intend to sell the account nor do I intend to trade collectibles. If I win, great. If not, no biggie.
Last edited by Sillybq; 05-10-2020 at 06:38 PM.
Season 9 Level 9 End of Season Summary
My 3rd perfect 51 Win season and my first time doing it back to back. This has helped me break my previous winning streak record but it might not last much longer as my team will undergo massive changes this coming season. Too many greens were used this season to stay ahead of my competitors due to my aging team.
Strongest competitor was a 3 star team so i didn’t have any difficult matches but i did face problems winning the scoring challenge. Somehow a 2 star team had a 64 percent striker who scored almost as many as my top scorer due to my rotation policy. The winner was only decided today.
From the start of the competition, there were 2 strong teams and both of us ended up meeting in the finals. He was 96 quality when we met but the matchup turned out easier than I anticipated.
I had to keep improving my team because of my finals opponent. He was active and i noticed his quality rising rapidly midway through the season. In order to stay ahead with a comfortable difference, i invested more greens than i usually would. During our finals match, he was 104 quality while i was around 120 quality even though the final score might paint a very different picture.
Super Cup
4 star opponent who gave me a much harder time than my higher quality Cup and CL opponents.
Friendly Championship
Best thing about this tournament has got to be the free green for making a sub. I didn’t invest anything but i somehow find myself in a good position. My tired players always seem to find a way to win against relatively strong opponents. I will probably finish 2nd but have no complains.
Season 10 Level 10 Mid Season Summary
Season so far
It has not been an easy season for me. If you notice, i have used quite a fair bit of my greens this season. Almost 1200 so far to be exact. This is around double my usual full season expenditure. This has been the toughest draw i have had since the introduction of the youth academy. In order to go for the quadruple this season, i expect to invest a few hundred more greens whenever i am able. It is actually quite time consuming as some planning is involved for each individual player.
While the overall general quality of all competitions is tougher. My focus has been on 1 player. I have a higher quality team at the moment but our whites are pretty similar. In fact, he might have the edge at the moment but i have many more greens to invest in my team. I didn’t save all those greens for fun, it is for situations like these and i will not hesitate using them to ensure i have the upper hand. However, i am sure my new record winning and undefeated streak are at risk because of him.
3 contenders including me and i just beat them over the last few days. It looks like it’s mine to lose so i am quietly confident about this one.
I was supposed to meet my main nemesis in the quarters but he got trolled badly in the round of 16. A 2-0 away loss against an 80 percentile team while he was 6 star with whites around 140-150 on average. I really did not expect that 3-2 agg loss for him. With him out, i am more confident about my chances.
Main nemesis for the season will meet me in the Semi Finals if the stronger team always wins. Will be monitoring him multiple times a day to make sure i keep pace with any investment on his part. His growth has slowed quite a fair bit recently as he continues to focus only on whites. I have already made the switch using greys to help speed up the improvement. Hope that decision doesn’t backfire.
Season 10 Level 10 End of Season Summary
Turns out this season has been one of my best ever. A three peat 51 win season and only my 3rd time crossing 300 goals scored in a season. I guess in a way it makes me feel better about spending all those greens this season because of 1 competitor. Focus now will be to keep my winning and undefeated streaks going.
One of the toughest draws i ever got for league but after i invested those greens into powertraining my team, none of these guys seem to cause me problems.
My entire season was all about the QF of the Cup and the Semis of CL. Those were the stages i was expecting to meet my main nemesis for the season with his high whites team. I initially thought he was trolled as he was much stronger than the opponent who eliminated him. That was until i faced the guy myself. He parked the bus so well. His hard defending and counter attacks really surprised me and gave me my lowest scoring game of the season. I was around 120 quality vs his 5-4-1 formation with around 83 quality during our matchup.
So the team that stressed me this season and caused me to spend so many greens is HNKA. As you can see, we met and i dominated him in both games in the Semis. I was about 16 quality stronger than him mostly due to grey skills. My whites were only marginally stronger. Greens well spent as i even won the 2nd match with my best attacker out due to suspension.
Super Cup
I didn’t attend and i knew i would win it unless i got trolled badly. Lowest quality opponent among all competitions this season and not very active.
Good mix of events this season. We had a tour, the friendly championship, special sponsor and the king of kings. I didn’t do well in any so shall not mention too much about it. But i must say i enjoyed participating in every one of them for the freebies.
Milestone Achievement - 500 Wins
The road to 500 was harder due to last season’s draw. I was not sure what caused the harder draw but i wanted to prevent reoccurrence. What i did differently in season 9 was to add many friends. I deleted them last season and my draws look like they are back to normal. I knew that friends have a chance of being drawn together which is why i avoid adding players close to my level. But i have a feeling friends of friends might also be drawn together? Or it could be purely a coincidence and i am overthinking it.
As usual, my focus for this season as a manipulating team will be a quadruple. It would be great if i can get another 51 win season. It would be 4 in a row for me and would propel my winning streak beyond 200. This would also be my club’s leading scorer last season with me as he is now 24. Hopefully the team won’t be affected by his departure.
Season 11 Level 11 Mid Season Summary
A good draw and a well trained team has helped me achieve this. This will be the week I break the 200 winning streak mark if all goes well. I have tried to do things a little different this season by buying higher quality players as I am trying to spend more tokens while utilizing less greens. After last season, I realized how valuable greens can be when facing fast improving well trained teams. Tokens get you high quality weak players, it is the greens that make them strong. I know I could use the tokens to buy greens but it wouldn't be as cost effective. I will not be doing this every season but will try to balance it out over the next few seasons.
2 five star teams are fighting for 2nd spot. While I am confident the league is mine to lose, I am disappointed to lose the scoring title. In order to save greens, I rotate and maintain 2 teams and while both teams are able to put up good numbers. Their individual goalscorer numbers can never surpass players who play all games. I might have to rethink the way I play soon as the 30 finishing is increasingly important as we move up in level.
It has not been difficult getting to the Semis and my only challenge will be in the finals against James FC. His team is currently at mid 90s in quality so I fully expect him to be 6 star by the time we meet in the final week of the season.
A few 5 star teams but no one stands out yet. Waiting to see if anyone improves their team for the knock out stages. If nothing changes, this might be my easiest trophy this season as even my league has stronger competitors.
Season 11 Level 11 End of Season Summary
More or less a walkover. What did surprise me was the 4th place finisher. He improved his team to 93 quality only in the 3rd week when he already had no chance at a top 3 finish. 4th spot was more or less his without the need for much investment especially since he was already eliminated from all other competitions. The worse part was he purchased 3 scouts on day 15, 2 of which were 69 tokens based on their quality and age. He did give me a scare when we met. I barely held on for a 1-0 win which he attended with support and my GK got MOM. Both of our team players were playing way below average and I got my goal only upon making tactical adjustments.
Toughest competition among all 3 this season. The finals was especially nerve-wracking. My opponent's 95 quality team played really well and I only got my 2nd goal late game. It's amazing how players with low quality and regular white skills are able to give my team the fight of their lives. Don't tell me I don't get interesting matchups as a manipulator. I beg to differ. Thanks to the game engine for that.
Easiest competition for me. The only 5 star opponent I faced was a 81 quality team in the finals. Even in the league, there were 3 teams stronger than that. And the league is usually the easiest.
Super Cup
The Super League was tougher than the CL for my draw so I prepared well and attended just in case.
I got what I was hoping for. A 4th straight 51 win season. Have I not been trolled for that long? Doubt so. I had some very dodgy matches which I won by a single goal against 2 star teams. And they all exhibit a similarity. Either a sub is required or an adjustment needs to be made in tactics to get the goal. You might think it is a coincidence but it is what I think. I used to think I made a mistake when the player I subbed out scores before he leaves the field. Now I believe he only scored because the system recognize my effort to manage my team.
Good job as always. Whenever I see your thread, I need to laugh a bit because of the title. It says "Non-token player" which it isn't even possible to play without any Token. It should be Non-token buyer or free to play. Just a bit funny I think.![]()