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Thread: Questions we want to ask to developers of the game

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    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    Questions we want to ask to developers of the game

    I have a dream ... (like Martin Luther King was saying in his speech )
    that some day, top eleven devs will come to this forum and answer our questions.
    Ok, how about to gather our questions for the new version, so if someone will come, he 'll be able to see and answer our questions all together in one thread (instead of searching every post and there are too many, those days).
    I will gather your questions in this first post and update every day.
    I 'm starting

    1) How do we put our player in negotiation list ? In the old version, a player who needs 1 sp to the next star, getting automatically in negotiation list. How can we calculate those % to do the same ?
    Never mind, I found it my self
    2) Recommended players offers are once in a week for everybody ? Is the suggestion random or it has to do with some weakness of the team ? Why most of the times it's about STs or some times GKs ?
    3) What does this % meaning ? See images of #8
    4) I had a player in negotiation list (with the new version), wanted to keep him there so I started a new position.
    but after one game (or training, I don't know), his gaining went to to quality and now he is an early 6*. Removed from the list and cannot sell him.
    Why his gaining went to quality and not in the new role ?

    1) Next season, we must start our training levels from the beginning or we just continue ?
    We continue leveling
    2) In the new training, we don't have injuries but in old , we keep having injuries in the training ? YES (answered)
    3) A manager is asking “I log in every day but not for long time, I train the players I ‘m interesting for (1 or 2 times, depending from the program), I set the team for my daily games and exchanging gifts. Sometimes I watch, sometimes not but I ‘m an active player. Why I have to learn and do this time-consuming new training system ? What else besides those bonus, is offering ?”
    4) With the old version, I was buying a young fast trainer and power-trained him (individual continuously training, using a lot of green packs) so to give my player 40-75 sp for an extra star or position or sa. Now with the new system, It saying we must use more players to get the bonus or level up. Managers who tried to do power-training a player, said that in needs 3X or 4X greens to do the same. Why ? Is there any way to power-train individual players like the old version ?
    Some members claim that with higher level drills (lv5 - master class) , the player gaining more than the old version (with the same condition loss- green packs).
    5) After a training, we can see a +...number of progress. Is it depending from condition loss of the players, gaining ability of the players (fast/slow trainers) or the successful set of the drills ? How much those above affect the level gaining ?
    6) Those 4 bonus we collect from training, are useless if we 're not watching (and not click the buttons) or still adding something (and how much) to our games ?
    Update : the four bonus from training (2-4-6-8-10%) are still active even if we 're not watching or playing the game with the old version.
    7) A drill lv2 gives a better result in training than the same drill lv1 ?
    yes, in a small %
    8) When we have the option to use this extra X2 in training (paying some extra token), is this about the gaining for the next level ?
    plus the progress for the bonus ?
    or maybe plus the (quality/ role/ sa) gaining of each player who participate in the training ?

    only for the bonus
    9) A serial of drill (correct or wrong) affects the results of a training ?
    Sometimes yes. About the Drills level for example, if we use only hard drills, maybe we have a penalty and not earn any gaining. We have a relative comment.

    Game play
    1) When we want to use a bonus in the game and we read a comment like "players couldn't hear cause of the crowd", what does this mean ? It's a miss of using the bonus ? We lost this % ? Can we try later ?
    2) Attack or defense bonus always working in a game ? What's the difference from setting Hard Attack or hard Deffense ?
    It has to do with the efficiency to ? (or increasing only the effort).

    What this extra button during the game gives ?
    3) Assistant manager recommends two training before the game (for better preparation). Why is that ? If we don't train, is there any penalty in the performance ? Where ?
    4) Why the assistant some times gives so silly advice ? For example, "go for attack" while we 're already in attack or "be careful because opponent is very dangerous from free-kicks" while at that time he didn't even had a single earning foul.
    5) Why with some comments we already know the result ? For example, when we read about bicycle kick, we know it's a fail. When we read about a double corner, it's also a fail. In the old times, a double corner was always (or 99%) a goal.
    6) I had a question (no 2), about the attack and defense bonus. Now, about ball possession. How does it work ? Is it like when we have some supporters and get a +2% for every one of them ? If opponent is using his b.p. bonus and 1, 2 or more friends come to support me, they eliminate oppo bonus ?
    Almost in every game, I 'm watching and have the support of 6-10 friends. So, b.p. of opponent is meaningless ?
    7) How b.p. affects the game play ? In some games, I have a b.p. 65% vs 35% but the shots of the teams are about the same. How can it be ? Shots has to do with the "clear" b.p. ? (I mean the b.p. without affecting from the presence of the managers, the tickets or friends supporting).
    8) In the live game, we can see some times the special ability icon. So, we can understand that sa worked at that time. During the live game, is sa working other times too (but we don't see the icon) or only when we see it ?
    Special ability is on action only when we see the icon during the Live game (of course it can work also during the "comments" time).
    We cannot see all the special abilities icons (like one-to-one, penalty specialist, dribbler).
    9) Many times, here in the forum, we 're searching the right formation for the team, when facing an opponent. It is said many times that if oppo playing with 3DC, better use your wingers and set the attack from the flanks. But during the live game, we can see those defenders following our wingers in any corner of the field.
    So, is there any meaning, any deference when we set 3 DR-DC-DL instead of 3DC ? I cannot see any deference in the live game.
    10) This attack or defense bonus has to do with the motivation of the players to attack/defend more or gives also some efficiency to that too ?

    1) Why in the old version, we could see all the team in the screen, while in the new one we must scroll up or down all the time ?
    Is there gonna be some update about that too ?

    * If someone knows already the answer, he can post here too
    ** There is no point to ask things like "Why we can't see the history of the team ?" "How can we take over a club from a lower level ?"
    - Because , there isn't/ we can't . So we must write it in the suggestions section of the forum or support it if it's already there.
    *** I 'll use my mod power (lol), to keep in some order this thread. Thank you for your understanding.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 08-09-2016 at 11:09 PM.
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