Was there a pop up notifying of event finishing?
The end may have caught some players off guard.
Do you need to be so condescending... really?
My point was simply that was a week long event, a number of players may not track how long the event was going for. It was never communicated whether the event would finish at midnight, and even if so, which time zone of.
The Event finished post was submitted around midday GMT, indicating that the event was presumably live for some time of the 28th March.
I think that maybe the bidding and the rules of thse events should be for elimination... and with short limit of rounds...
So everybody can join, the round 10 - 12 managers are eliminaed till there are 2 in the roud 20 that is the last, and then a pop up screen appear asking how much would you pay for the player so making a offer, then the best offer wins, and other managers recovery tokens.
More or less this is what I think, as a 5* player by my viewpoint shold not be so expensive as a scout and tokens should be focussed to be spared in a reserve to invest in boosters or improve special bonuses etc..
In the end we know a player can be well or bad programmed, so...
Last edited by khris; 03-28-2017 at 09:26 PM.
I personally like the market list on the event time. But I don't like the rule tokens back when lose bidding.
That was Great! I do enjoy a good eventCheers Nordeus.
I think another trial for something in the middle might be interesting: for every two tokens you use, you get one back if you lose. It seems as though getting back all the tokens did not work, but I applaud the decision to try it out!
Not my opinion , i like this event with this TM schedule cause i like having 3 and 4 stars nordgens all day long .
Hope it will be another auction event soon but i don't think nordeus will do this on the beginning on each season