stormtroopers maybe
stormtroopers maybe
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
anything that 90+ gonna be bidding war in my POV...
GAVE UP NORMAL BIDDING it's nonsense... if i would like to buy 5* player plz BID AGAINST SAME and +1, +2 LEVEL managers only!
People are crazy now. Someone wanted to buy my one star player and sent an offer, I wanted to trick him by dragging the token bar all the way through the highest 20 tokens, and he accepted!!! So I won 20 tokens and 214M on that one star player!
Wtf? I still need that one star player LOL!
I don't know why everyone is crying. I got 3 18yr olds, all 5 star for 1 token each, 'wasting' a total of 12 minutes of my day.
Although the bidding seems to be crazier for the older mid range players but I don't buy players older than 19 anyway
So the crazy bidding doesn't affect me.
This is just silly.
One of the nice things about higher levels is people aren't dumbasses with their tokens and bid just for the hell of it. Now players that aren't even very good and could easily be scooped up for 1 coin if he filled a need are minimum 10 coins. Between the trolls and the idiots it ruins the game for those actually trying to build a team seriously.
My dad used to play a baseball game like that and he'd always complain that there was no point in ever trying to sign a free agent in the off season because there's always be at least 1 other manager who either didn't know what he was doing or didn't care and pay some insane price for all the players. He eventually quit that game. We're getting to that point already here.
Now managers prefer fuller star and do not mind older players. I've seen many times that no managers would bid for 5 star players who're 85% (80% is 5 star). This is the new norm. Age is not longer relevant because they will sell the old players at full price to AI or bot teams.
From same round.
There is nothing else left... we (experienced) managers turn back and use the ULTRA slow
nego listAT LEAST sometimes in nego list u can see player's form
Well, I tried the Transfer market a short time ago, just to see what was happening, and what the bidding situation was. I saw two 'players' (I won't call them 'managers') going through every player that was being bid on by other managers and bidding up - I can't say whether they were interested in those other players or not, but the difference in players was so random that all I could think of was they were trolling the price up just to spite the other, more serious, bidders knowing that if they failed, it wouldn't cost them a thing...
Last edited by talisman; 04-30-2017 at 04:26 PM.
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...
Hi folks,
Go to the TM and do whatever you want, there are always some insane managers overbid you, what a fun!