So this is something that is talked a lot around lately. Alexinho brought it up in greek forum and we have already seen it in fb groups.

There are some teams (most, if not all, of them asian teams) who have players with very weird distribution of the quality in their attributes.
We are talking about huge differences like below:
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	****.JPG 
Views:	727 
Size:	46.4 KB 
ID:	87221

So the weird part is that although their overall team quality usually is much lower than the oppo (~20%), their teams consist fully of such kind of players and they seem invincible!!

Is this a new exploit trick?
Have they found a way to boost the overall quality of a player by having this unbalanced Q attributes?
Does a miscalculation of quality happens in such scenarios?

This needs to be brought into Nordeus attention.
Unfortunately tickets opened have not been investigated thoroughly (I really believe that 80% of support team has never played the game)

A player with 1% shooting/passing/crossing/dribbling and 999% fitness should be a track field athlete and not a football player.
How the heck is so good?

Action items
Weekend is coming so new association tournament.
Whoever is drawn with such kind of teams (check also semi-finals teams) please share some more evidence.