Sure, I can turn him off, but if Nordeus improve it would be better
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Sure, I can turn him off, but if Nordeus improve it would be better
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If you change it 3 days before the end of the season and affect it, you will be considered as complete idiots... Is it too hard to wait for new season to start and then implement changes? Why you always have to change things during a season and **** up everything?
Can we just finally get some info on how this game actually works? There is 0 knowledge on it. And I am playing the game for over 4 years. I still do not know simple basic stuff like:
1) How much influence does an attribute have?
2) Which attr are important for which roles?
3) How much effect has a special ability?
4) If I place a player out of position, what is the effect?
5) What is the effect of hard attacking? Does it have any effect at all?
6) What is the effect of the training bonus?
7) How much effect has morale?
8) Do players perform less with less stamina? As in a player with 99% condition plays better then one with 15%? WE DON'T KNOW!!!!
Can we please get this information sometime? The game has potential but give players some common knowledge.
FC Knudde:
Seasons: 46
League won: 33
CL won: 10
Cup won: 4
FC Killroy:
Seasons: 32
League won: 20
CL won: 6
Superleague: 3
Cup won: 7
If when the max. cap of +20 AVQ was removed we had a amount of managers trying to exploit in any way this factor... imagine what can happen if Nordeus reveals some of these points, sure can be exploited in many senses and the collapse the the universe will suddenly be a reality xD
despite all I'll try to write my theories... as is interesting know the perception that have each manager about all these stuffs...
1) How much influence does an attribute have?..... visual attribute depend of the IP -internal programming- so one needs to use the 6th and the 7th sense to test players and try to determine, in what level are the internal Skills despite the visual information/external skills.
2) Which attr are important for which roles? the ones in white ¿? I guess every action or 1vs1 or individual need to use/face some skills...
what determines "the difficulty level"? the scenario set by default when the match starts, I guess, and I wanna think that is like this in my world of illusion.
3) How much effect has a special ability? IP -Internal Programming- + X skills added when we unlock the SA. If IP is so low, we can't see any perception of the SA unlocked.... but this really needs a long study and contribution of the managers... maybe open a thread and asking for help to try to discover the differences -after-before- would help...
4) If I place a player out of position, what is the effect? The IA I guess that don't go so deeply... there's a 1% and 2% possession penalty for both alerts OP... then despite this, I have as AML and ST x2 STs who I switch.... too as MC a MC with better AVQ than my usual MC... so the benefit is bigger than the penalization using 1-2 OP players... as in the old times, there's a line, (5 yellows¿? so the old illegal formation rules..) that is we cross really we can see a clear penalization in the simulation ...
5) What is the effect of hard attacking? Does it have any effect at all? ...for me is the worst option xD just see an amount of ducks acting without sense... hard defending have better results in attack for me than hard attack.. I guess but, that this depend of the formation (EX. I did some tests and for the "almost midfield empty formations" works the normal mentality, because keep the longest posible distance between the attack and defense line so checking the visual simulation is interesting to see the effect. Si I guess HAttack. should have some formations that are specific and can be easily beaten.. maybe formations in atta/defense mentality, and more or less players in the x2 attack lines... but I never analyzed the hard attack really....
6) What is the effect of the training bonus? I always had a number for this. Dont ask me why. effect? 8%. 8% if you have fans and you have the poss' bonus for attendance at 15%, 8% if you add the victory bonus. 8% if you activate any Training bonus? in what? in give a "random benefit in term of skills" to "some players". I can say that with the defensive bonus active never conceded a goal.... so something happens for sure. Of course this is my theory, then who have more margin of % have more chances to win counting that we should re-calculate the impact of the scenario... that can create a diff' against or in our favour.
7) How much effect has morale? depend of the scenario that has been chosen. For me is like when you set the hard tackling, can go against you? yes if the scenario put under the table that the aggressivity of some players can be determinant. If not, no problem. Same with morale IMO.
8) Do players perform less with less stamina? As in a player with 99% condition plays better then one with 15%?
8%¿? lol Ive played matches with almost 0% condition vs similar AVQ rivals and won them..., I guess that the scenario that the game choose determines how much affects the low condition.... but too I guess that, (and as I said sometimes) thereare too much "little things that affect the simulation"..... I did a list of many of them in a Spanish thread...
Hay que entender que el juego, tiene unos limites. Y cada factor afecta en un pequeño porcentaje al resultado.
Como siempre digo afectan, en mayor o menor medida:
-Condición física
-Bono por victoria
-Flecha roja/azul
-mentlidad y cada orden en general
-substituir adecuadamente
-atender y dirigir
-atender y recibir el +8% de posesión + tener un extra si atienden amigos
The question is, do you think that play with 10% condition have a bigger impact/penalty than dont add the bonus win+ have 0% morale + play with full of red arrows + don't attend + have 5% - AvQ? ....
And the answer looking the amount of matches we've seen in these 7 years is that, nobody knows it lol
But IMO the game do a simplification of all these amount of factors.
All this is my own opinion, that comes from my own perception and way to interpret the game.
Last edited by khris; 11-06-2017 at 01:40 PM.
If not using any mc, is there any penalization? How much?
New screen.
I don't understand.
I have a player Dr dmr Mr & dmr Mr amr.
What will happen to him?
You can update and change the game how much you want and the results will be the same at the end , you have to be fair and give equal booster to everyone, from 5 video a day to another 30 video or more the one with 5 can do nothing except build mutants and tanking (and is cheap and easy to build).
The irony about all this is manager with 30 video a day and tokens buyer cry to mommy when losing and call cheaters the managers with no video and no money as they are smart and creative .
Remind yourself this is a computer not football and smart brain always find a way around specially when you are not fair with them.
This games I like it a lot and not have intention to stop but until is not equal to everyone I support mutants and in 2 or 3 season from now every good team will be at 1% when need to be and 340 % because now is set it up to be this way and there it can be very boring.
This is my opinion and not a complain and hope to see improvements and 3D in the future.
When video are not available in some country give free booster to these manager for they can compete equally but until this not happening don't call them cheaters when they find a way to stay in the game.
Hope this new Season we can get/earn some Club Emblems without paying real money... tokens are not enough? Thank you!