Today playing the cup match Ive been paying attention to my am's, and Ive seen that they are playing practically in the middle since the update of the 6.0version...
Ive been trying to think the why of this and Ive realized that maybe, is the man to man option that causes the issue... because Ive realized that in the defensive actions these 2 players are covering 2 men of the midfield during the 1vs1 so....
I wonder if now this defensive covering in the marking related to the 1vs1 man to man, is the cause of what we see...
I leave this thread open for the analysis.... would be great if we can gather here some info, about if this occurs using zonal marking, and take a pic during a defensive action to see who covers who, and then see in the attacking actions the comparison.... and with zonal the same.... maybe be can draw conclusions and solve da mystery, or understand a little bit more about this new situation...